Friday 2 September 2016

Real love

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A question was asked of me-in a professional sense as well as personal the other day. Can you love a person without actually meeting them, seeing them; without actually having physical contact?  Can you actually have a deep insight and connection to an other person-without ever sleeping with them?  Where does sex come into the mix? Now, I am no expert, but I did a little research especially that so many people seem to be having weird, strange connections these days. Before- it was  that you went to a party or  you would meet people in some other conventional way ,- and that was the beginning of a relationship .

Now there are a number of views on this- from rather complex explanations to the mere simple.  The one idea that is held by most psychologists is that it is impossible to fall in love without meeting. They say you are simply falling in love with an illusion when it is non-physical. They emphatically state that is not love at all-actually they say it is not even infatuation, but “wishful thinking”, projecting one`s ideal upon an other. Most state that you  cannot have a deep connection unless you have a physical connection-not necessarily a sexual connection- but seeing the person touching them or simply breathing the same air as they do. They say it is impossible to really love someone that one has not met. All else is just projecting a mirage regarding love-and in a sense living in an unrealistic reality.
The other version a less conventional approach , which is less accepted is that real love is in the realms of spirituality as opposed to physicality-and that if  the person falls in love “on the blind” so to speak- in fact is falling in love with spirit . The mask of physicality falls away- or rather does not exist,- looks do not matter which is mere distraction, daily mundane quirks and quarks are eliminated and personality differences are not in the forefront. You can hang up that phone, or you can get off line if one has had a bad day, and deal with all at a later date when things have settled down. 

However in these relationships the people involved are more honest and open as to how they really feel- they often will say or allow the other person deeper into their mind as they would in a physical relationship. They will discuss things that they would never reveal under any circumstance if they were in the same room . No need to hide behind a mask of materiality, no need to make a great impression-the communication between spirit becomes more free and direct, and less hampered by ego. The physical aspect of love- sex is a distraction in real love for it is  more to do with preservation of the “self” namely- for procreation and for satisfaction of the body. Not that that is not good or needed, but it does take away somewhat from the spiritual-simply my opinion.
Often the religious life offers such love when connecting to the divine-one can be open and honest with God. The soul becomes more active in such a relationship- and for many such connection is far superior to the physical connection.  Not to say that every on-line relationship is akin to a divine revelation, or the experience of ecstasy- but it certainly has many advantages as to having that physical relationship where all is revealed warts and all on the physical plane - which is the function of ego, and the deep  feelings of soul becomes a little more hidden- which is more the spiritual life. 

Also- in today`s age where many are seeking enlightenment, higher awareness and consciousness-it makes sense to have a more of a  'soul connection' if we believe that we are spiritual  beings having a human experience.  If we believe this that we are "divine energy”-that we are indeed all connected as one drop of water is part of the ocean; that drop being completely one with the ocean,- then having a soul connection far outweighs a mere physical encounter.

There is so much that we do not know about ourselves-but man is becoming more intuitive about himself; and is starting to understand more about the heart and spirit, acknowledging that we are indeed beings of light. Slowly we are stepping into higher dimensions, as the physical becomes less and less of importance in the life of the soul-which is slowly awakening within humanity. 

An even a deeper question arises if we talk of spirit and the deep connections to each other, that is -have we lived before? Is there re-incarnation ? Perhaps we simply recognize connections that we have had in prior lifetimes through some cell memory. Consciously we just do not know, but does the heart know?

So, can one fall is love without meeting the person?  Can it be real? We each have to answer that question for ourselves individually-for the answer lies within each one of us. I-however would much rather have a relationship that is rooted in spirit as opposed to one that is rooted in the physical. The physical passes, the spiritual is eternal.

Below is an interesting quote:

“True--we have never met--but does spirit need to meet on a physical plane? To be consummated physically? Or is it simply God`s grace at play and in motion within each of us--dancing to the music of God. All I know that I love you --simply with no other flowery description as I am bereft of words. I am no poet--I am only a man in love with you--your heart, your soul and your mind.
Though I have never touched you, seen you naked, felt the warmth of your body, smelled your fragrance, experienced your passion, heard your heart beat, felt you trembling in my arms, nor made love to you--though inexplicably  I know every part of you. Crazy? Yes! True? Yes!”
-G.Pace from: “Love in the dark”


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