Thursday 29 September 2016


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“What is t your greatest fear” she asked…
“To be forgotten” I tell her.
“But not just that.
To be forgotten by a person
who I could never forget”

 The above was a paste on my FB today-and from the response from people is very moving. Mostly all have regrets and deep sadness and pain. I have to admit this is one of my greatest of fears also-for if this happens than I  would feel that perhaps all was in vain. I don`t mind that one`s life  takes a different path, we come to crossroads and have to part-but to forget or not being remembered is the most painful, devastating thought for me.

But then, there are relationships that perhaps are just simply physical for some, or for some egotistical reason for momentary pleasure-those were not based on love anyway. Those times I am sure neither party cares or thinks about remembering-but when the soul is touched-then, there is that fire of love. It maybe brief, or long-the result is the same-it leaves its eternal mark on the soul. 

Time is  irrelevant-it could be a one night stand, that one special moment that one remembers forever, never ever forgets- or relationships that were many years in the making. We touch a number of souls in our lifetime-none of it is ever in vain, or wrong-just seems so for a brief time when we break up-when the ego rages in oh so many ways. But we never really leave whom we once loved, (love)-that is the message. We become enmeshed within the fabric of each other for always- whether we are physically present or not. This is the beauty of love.

I have always understood the impermanence of life, of relationships-but love is never impermanent, it is the most permanent thing in creation ever. Thus as I have stated in many different forms in previous posts, that I am one to consciously make memories-and through that imprinting on the heart, one tends to remember and not forget. It does not mean that one does not move on, one has to-it is the way of the universe. 

To date, I have been lucky-for I know that I am remembered, which makes me very happy; and I have to add that I too remember with love-and  rather vividly many of the experiences. I feel I am deeply connected to those I have loved –those that I still love. I am very conscious of the people who have touched my life, and have exited  my temporal life-but not the eternal.

Now, this love that remains is not the romantic version, but more so the spiritual, cosmic version-that is the remembrance and the connection that we are in some way one. Perhaps we are all in search of our soul families, our soul brethren-and these are the souls that after much searching we eventually find. With whom we shall once again in the future-somewhere in time or in an other dimension shall  meet up again.

Forgetting I would consider the real loss for the heart, I would categorically state for the soul is tragic-probably more than anything else. It is the saddest and most painful experience that I could ever imagine.  

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