Sunday 28 August 2016


Call me crazy, call me mad regarding my entry- “List”-but I acknowledge that it is my own personal list. I think it probably totally defines me in every way-if and when someone will read it all, they will completely know me. The workings of my very soul. So, the odd time the  “list”  calls me for some inexplicable reason, and from it I get inspiration as what to write about-sometimes one is dead to the internal voice of the higher self and needs a bit of soulful courage.

Tonight I am called by Franz Schubert – he is one of my “soul-connections”-in both  soul and music senses. What do I mean by this? Well- certain things in life, like dreams, visions,  music often remind the soul of its real life, of immortalty- and  that life is entirely different from the material, mundane present-where we are mortal. The higher self, where the soul resides has a life of its own- and at times we accidentally step into that life for a moment by some miracle and there we discover our true self.  And suddenly it all makes sense.

This incident  comes with a short strange story-. Many years ago I did some  “conscious regression”-and  today this story seems just as real as then. For a brief moment I uncovered a few things about myself. Things hidden by ego and to access it one has to transcend the material world where I  got a glimpse of a previous existence- almost like a bleed through. Now- whether you believe in this or not is irrelevant, for it is simply my story, a strange story- perhaps  a figment of my imagination-however very real to me. Life is an illusion, just as a dream is-so what is reality then? What or which is our real life? All that exist has a reason, is for a reason. I was shown this story to make me  realize that  we are seeing only fragments of our real life-each of our lives is one piece in the puzzle.

 Thus wherever we are prompted by some unseen force of spirit, whose voice needs to be heard, needs to come forth-it finds its vehicle, and it always finds one if we allow it.   Each time  one has to be aware and accept  the gift it is offering-for it is a gift of realization. It is an awakening for a moment to the truth. I have had a few of these experiences- not that many, but by each one I feel closer to understanding –or as it is said in eastern philosophies, bit closer to enlightenment . Sadly still very far from total enlightenment.

I was in this magnificent room – filled with lots of  natural light. The whole episode was as if a fragment of a dream, perhaps it was. A beautiful ethereal dream. The ceilings were very high -the walls were in relief, decorated with gilded ivy leaves. Two large windows were open, the dark blue velvet drapery drawn to the side held in place by golden silk chords. The two huge double doors went from floor to ceiling- its decoration matching the walls. The light parquetted  floor had a blue patterned Persian rug on which stood an ivory coloured grand, rectangular piano, the four thick carved legs gilded lightly.  There was an enormous crystal chandelier hanging overhead, but it was not lit as the room was filled with sunlight.

There were a number of  Louis XVl carved ivory chairs and a setee , all upholstered in a light blue silk brocade; yet I knew that I was not in France but Austria. I knew for some reason that this was Vienna. I do not remember  who the the people were or how many, but they were present standing around talking. Neither do I remember any of the conversations. I felt that we were all waiting for something-I could not say for what.

After only what seemed moments, one side of the door seemed to suddenly burst open . The room went still-and in walked a rather short stocky  man with thick curly hair and glasses. He looked quite ordinary in a brown jacket-with brown velvet cuffs and collar, with a brown silk cravat that was tied  in a neat bow . There was a thick  roll of  paper under his arms. He greeted everyone and looked at me, smiled and he unrolled the paper and placed two sheets  on the piano. He sat down and started to play this-; sounding just like the one below- 

Each time I hear this- it brings me to tears; the tears of joy I am remind me of the immortality of our soul- and that we go on to experience many more lifetimes before we complete our cycle. Then- one day we shall once again return to our original state-taking our place again within the whole. Within God.

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