Sunday 5 June 2016


Yesterday sadly, I heard that a friend of mine died-she was three years younger than me- this happenstance is enough to start wondering about existence. There has been so much death around lately-not in my life personally, but in the world which makes one think of life most seriously, which forces us to look at things straight in the eyes; God sure works in mysterious ways.  Funny thing the mind-it plays tricks on us. I think the Buddhists are right when they say that there is only the present moment; but they forget to mention that "all" is the present moment for the mind. It all exists at once-thus no past or future, as all is happening at once, like different dimension all flowing simultaneously.

Now, I would lie if I would say that I  know or understand the concept of time-I try to understand the most simple version as Michio Kaku explains it, but still I cannot think outside the box. I do really think that this  is what is meant by that-"sin" while  eating that proverbial apple there in paradise-us realizing that we don`t really know anything and we so very much yearn to know. We yearn to be told that there is eternity, we yearn to know that our life is not in vain, we yearn to know that we belong, we yearn to find our "other self"-the bottom line is that we yearn to know GOD.

As I examine my life-not that it is anything special, however probably by the simple logic of deduction, we are - for there is no other me or you; our experience, nuances and contribution to life is special; the greatest and the smallest have equal opportunity in existence-it just seems that one is less important than an other, as some get more attention or advertising than an other. Death walks us up the path to this realization that we are actually contributing to the expansion of the universe-writing the actual code of the continuity of life by each action we take. Perhaps that is what is meant by free will. Now, by life I don`t simply mean- temporal life but by the very aspect of existence in the eternal.

So, there is method to this madness that I am staring down to-day-that is the acceptance that nothing ever experienced is ever lost, for once created it can never be undone, wiped away or forgotten- be that in which ever way it was experienced. We can re-visit each moment, each experience each action this very moment. There is no time, no age, no year, no matter what the mirror reflects back- soulwise, we feel the same and in our hearts and heads it all lives....the secret is never allow ourselves to file all the information away in closed drawers or let those letters fade away on dusty shelves-for that is what real death is.

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