Sunday 22 May 2016


I was listening to Stephen Hawking-the subject:"There is no God"-what a lot of crap. I do believe that he maybe the greatest physicist , but also he is the bitterest soul on the planet-probably because of his condition. According to his deduction, mathematically with the help of Einstein-he has concluded that negative energy + positive energy is ZERO, thus the "big bang"originated from ZERO or nothing.

Matter, Energy, Space is needed to create the universe-according to him; thus a black hole exploded  "the big bang"-and gave rise to "time"and "space" at the same instance-before that was no space or time thus, there was nothing-his conclusion -there is no God, as there was "nothing".

Ok- I agree to the point of nothing-but the problem with this theory, is that even if there was ZERO; what was before-even if we say there was no time or space. Expanding and contracting eternally is a great thought, but what about before this process??- as he says eventually the universe  will contract back to a black hole. Mmmm, what came first -the chicken or the egg? I am not going to go on- as one can go around in circles eternally-so just think about it .

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