Monday 6 June 2016


As I sit here on the deck in silence and look around mindfully, so many things around me seem to have a vibrant life of their own that we seldom think about or notice. There is the beautiful melody of the wind-chime as the gentle wind makes it sing, a little woodpecker eagerly searching for insects as he moves up on the trunk of our ancient maple tree, the song of innumerable beautiful little birds with their unique songs fill the air, while a tiny ant scurries along busily. Even some dandelion seeds coated in tiny white fluffs are, dancing in the breeze trying to find a home. 

The air is much cooler, due to a huge storm last night-still some dark clouds looming, brooding over us. The river has widened considerably, and it has turned from being crystal clear to a murky brown as it races down towards the lake. All looks fresh and new; even the myriads of purple, pink, yellow and blue wildflowers on the bank seem to have gotten a more vibrant colour, as they enjoyed the good shower.

As I contemplate life deep gratitude fills my heart, for as I sit here I realize that everything in life has a mission, even the wind-chime. How very blessed we are to see all this beauty, to be part of it.
But then, who or what has drawn up the blueprint for this magic?  For these missions? What is the purpose? What is the intent? What is the goal?  I think each one of us have a different answer to these questions- but most of us do have one-that is we are part of all, we are part of creation- we are the very essence of of God

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