Wednesday 8 June 2016


As I read your notes once more with new eyes, I suddenly come to a profound realization; that almost a decade has passed since our first words to each other. In my mind it seems and feels like yesterday-how crazy is all this? I have no words to describe what has happened, no rational understanding of the feelings, expressions and actions that transpired between us. Perhaps you don`t feel the same as I do-I really hope that you do for it is truly a gift and a blessing that we were given to experience. Nothing lasts forever in this life-all is impermanent and ever changing, however this is not all that there is. So, nothing was in vain, nothing is lost that once lived; above all what is imprinted on the heart. I really do believe that your words were from a very special place from your very soul, even if now you think differently.

Maybe there are many people like us, maybe we aren`t that special, aren`t that unique. Perhaps it was just our infatuation with love itself. Perhaps, perhaps. But whatever it was -words written never cease to be-they create a life of their own forever. Mmmm.... that word "forever" conjures up all kinds of imaginings in the mind- a dangerous expression indeed said in the heat of passion; said so many countless times. Did we mean it?-I know I did with all sincerity. Did we love each other?- I know; I did. I often ask myself did I dream it all-then I see all your letters, and know I wasn`t dreaming.

 How very short this earthly life is when one really thinks about it. Do I have regrets about us, about all I have said to you? I can put my hand on my heart and answer with a clear conscience and say without hesitation-"no", for  I regret nothing for it was all the about you?

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