Thursday 9 June 2016


-Oh my sweet Love. You are all the wonder of life itself.

And while you were sleeping, I flew through the snow covered forest in the shape of an owl, hunting for mice and for wisdom.
Want to meet tonight?...Wanna snuggle?...Wanna chow down some mouses?
Come fly with me, my love. I hunger. For you. Forever .

- My beloved Cicukam
Tis you who are my angel. And in you do I place my trust.
Now is the hour especially, feeling like little old sun-wrinkled kind of Nosferatu, who is lost on a beach in Florida at high noon. And wondering how it got there and...whether this is a toasting or a sunbath?
Thank you my love. For everything. I will to take shelter now in the cooling shadow of your wings. I will rest, and dream of you.
But, well, you won`t be wearing a white halo--not even a white t-shirt even! Just your gorgeous hair and your beautiful heart, and the vastness of your caring. And that about covers it...or not!;)
My hugs and kisses and all my love,
for my angel Baroness,

-My dove
Well my dove,
I am as happy a beast as ever there was--as happy as this beautiful, and endlessly long day.
Why is that? Simple. You are in my day. That makes all the difference. Still, I miss you like mad. I love you quite crazy. O glory to the gods of love..
Behold a beast wreathed in butterflies and lotus.
Sending you tons of hugs and kisses,

(your mad-beast baby)

If I were a kitty-cat, I would be purring just now. I could also curl up on your lap, shred your sofa cushions, tickle your toes and lick your nose--but seeing that I have used up all nine of my feline lives already and long ago, I will just have to content myself with licking my fur for now. Did I tell you I have fur? O my yes! But I do. When the moon is full, in fact.
Your prayers, your angels, your caring and love--do you perhaps remember the whirlwind I was telling you about--oh, several ages ago? Yes. Well. That was you. I know it now. You still have that effect on me--only more so.
Tomorrow I roll up my whiskers and get back to work, I have it in mind to open an other site, so as to supplement my spiritual writings with a bit of social commentary. Ah, --glorious. Jihad! Meeeeow, meow, MEOW! Grrrh.
I am never happier than when I can trash the world. Wouldn`t you know it! Oddly enough, it makes me feel very peaceful and loving and terribly benevolent. And seeing how the world won`t change, my source of joyousness is limitless--so also my sense of irony.
O, my love. S....... River-soul. It is you that are a wonder though--the full and ceaseless wonder of being known, and prayed for and loved. You take me so deeply into the silence sometimes, do you know? Tonight you leave me there with you.
In your arms, in your endless heart,

Good morning Sweetie!
A five thousand year old grave was discovered , in Africa , I think.What made this find so unusual though was that said grave contained not one, but two bodies--face to face and locked in loving embrace, no less. Naturally, I immediately thought of us. Have we been discovered? After all these years?
I love you my love, Love you, love you love you,

- Ever one art I never bothered to learn, and I regret that now, because, you see having met you, all words are taken up, like Enoch was, by the Most High and for His pleasure. You ask me such simple, innocent questions as require more words to answer than there are dreams in the hearts of our own kind.
All of them say only one thing. Ever.
What you give to me so unstintingly is returned to you threefold from a space within my being that never knew of words nor ever knew the need of them
You bright star! You cast me back to the spaces from which I ushered forth and then complain that I fall silent. LOL
I love you too, S....., though I scarcely know how to say it. Your words fall deeply, penetrating, gently as rain, and are counted--every last one of them, as the jewels from the Spirit of Life which they are.
They are not lost on me. Indeed, I should say I have come to learn thereby --through your unaffected kindness and giving--of the existence within my life of things for which I had deep need and wanting but knew nothing of, let alone that, that place to be filled was even there. I thank you my, dearest. For everything, but particularly just for being you.

-Thou art
The sun, the moon, the stars, and all the lights you can imagine in the
entire external world are but fragments of that one great Light that is
within you.

It is the light of knowledge, the light of discrimination, the light of
understanding, the light of life, the light of sharing and love, the
light of that Being You are.

``Thou art that``

I simply love you!

Love, love -My beloved Cicukam
Bach on an airy G-string? Oh....but I cannot think. I can only love, and love and love and all that love just flows like an endless river of stars from my heart to yours.
Really, sweetheart, we should be celebrating. I feel like we just made love for the first time--and right afterwards you have to fly off to a doctor`s conference in Europe and we can`t even enjoy what happened.
Oh , but whatever. We are energetically bonded for life now. We always were that, and so I will just remember that my very breath is yours. So what am I doing?
Aye...I swoon with love,

Indigo Dragon

-Edes Zs
Come to me that I maybe filled with your radiance.
Come to me that I maybe One with thee and thee
with me.

The joy of the heart is our sojourn.
Lift my eyes that I may see,
Raise my Spirit that I maybe uplifted.


-My sweetheart SQ

.......damn twelve lines, bless the angel and Espavo.
I love you madly you sweet dragon, you. I throw my arms
around you and kiss you and rock you clear to the Pleiades.

My love, my prayers, my undying gratitude...all for you, tail

forever your own little ,
Indigo lizard -thingy 

-Edes arany Dracony-Oh, Cicukam darling dearest!
Your prayers run swift as deep as rivers: your healing touch,
like the wings of the morning; your love as constant as God`s light.

Thank you sweetheart, for everything and forever kisses from
my heart, your own enfolding with the light of a billion, billion stars.
May the river-song bless us all our days.

Indigo Dragon 

-S.....-o Dragon
By the way you wondrous thing. I printed your portrait and plastered it
onto the wall beside my bed, where I can now always behold you. I
thought you should know.

And may you, my precious heart be ever enfolded in the indigo dreams
of our lovely stars where Ibis ascend like hosts across the silence of
desert and midnight sky. A wing-beat, like the rush of your blood upon my lips.

Indigo midnight love,
Indigo Dragon 

....from the land of ice and snow! And lots of it. A foot deep and
still falling, my dizzy lizzie sweety-o.Pumpkins? What pumpkins?
We had to be plowed out this morning! Imagine that, aye/ Gotta love it!

Sorry stay warm, my heart and play hard with the little ones.
Wish you were here though. Then I could give you a cup of hot chocolate
...kiss your rosy cheeks and warm you up all over.

Espavo cicukam,
your little Knight Indigo

-My little Red Dragon
Where there are great loves there are always miracles. I leave you my darling angel with my prayers and my kisses and my endless hugs. Also our timeless memories. I would trade them all for a moment with you. But it is as it be.
Ever your dragon Knight,

Happy, happy
-Forever Dragon

...and what can I add but.
``oooh happy day o, oh happy, happy happy blessed day``
and may your day my precious be even better! Tonight I
am making lentil soup with sausage. Hardly a feast, and
but I have entered upon a new cycle of sacred dancing
around the great wheel of the Stars--new adventures beckon,
and I am ready for them. Today even water sparkles with
simple joy.

Aloha then, my heart. Thank you for the three angels.
You dragon heart loves you. Look then to the sky at midnight
and know that it is me enfolding you.

ever your not so little Dragon

Cheer up my darling sweetheart...I just love you to death and back
again, And think on it--that Adam and Eve never had it so good
back home in the garden as we have it in the world with each other
Of course I feel morally obligated to lead you into sin,
but that is an other matter!

Kisskisssss my angel,
your scrappy little dragon,

-My edes Rouge Dragon

Unfurl thy wings my fiery dragon on the solar winds that stretch like
golden bands between us. You rest securely in my heart, dearest,
and that won`t ever change.

I will write again later and explain the inexplicable, relating to the
wonders of sky-dancing in vibrational clarity and the rapture that
all that came to pass within but a moment in the stillness of my
precious night. Meanwhile, sweetheart, I enfold you with my wings
--a canopy for our bower, and rain on you with kisses,.

Ever your knight...

-My Love
But still waiting! In other words I died again. I missed the damn funeral,
but evidently, this is where I am truly supposed to be. Nothing is wrong,...

-My beloved Cica

Words can`t express my heart.....but I can always try. However, the bright orange of the woodcut is not where I`m at. I`m in my seasonal Goth of faded flowers, ghosts, and endless lanes of dripping chestnut trees.
In other words, in my other element and loving it shamelessly. Courting a Lady in silken white damask; faded roses she wears for me to honor my wild, pagan heart. Dreaming my love.In shades of violet and blue.
Meanwhile, the elk are in full runt. Wish I could run naked under the stars
and join them--dance in the meadows until my spirit took wing on the cries
of an eagle.


Still up ?
Are you still up? I missed you right terribly today, and or the more so because it turned out to be one of those endlessly productive and magical times that come so rarely, but which we really want to share, you know?

Alas, I must now content myself with wishing you good night instead. But
who knows if but we will travel the star-roads together, like pilgrims to
Santiago de Compostela.

So here is to sweet dreams and flat feet, my dearest heart. Kissing you all
over and holding you still the while in my embraces.,

Ever your little...

-My beloved Arany Cicukam
Consecration to Mary....
The wonders and the mysteries of love just keep on coming.
Oh joy most blessed. In meditation on the passages each
morning our voices so blend so as to even become one
voice together. Today is the fifth day. And but as it is that
Mary I have for always , you I have but for a little time

--a most whimsical jewel of a precious corner of the
universe made manifest with an impish smile and infinite joy, my peace, my discipline and my hope for glory.

Flying to you with hugs and kisses, with love, and with
tender, if somewhat contrite , devotion.

Ever your little...

Miss you-

- My beloved Cicukam
Oh how I miss you sometimes, and now in these strange and wonder filled times, or the more so. Once again the secret wellspring of my fountain-soul, long dry, is overflowing and my life has taken on its longed for multidimensional richness.
Once again, and the pages of my journal remain empty, for life has overtaken them. By the time I finish the letter to which this is but a prologue all their in contained will be but the memories of a lifetime scarce remembered, and just as out of date. But so it is,
My endless love to you , kitty. My long embraces and my kisses like amber...!

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