Monday 27 October 2014


The "twin flame"-is the term given to the two parts that make up one soul.  The union of  "twin flames"  is an energy vibration that transcends the limited consciousness of duality- which are the two counterparts of "one soul"- that was split into two at the moment of its creation.  Within the concept of creation "duality" is an illusion- only "unity" exists. There is no linear time, thus no matter how many lifetimes the soul seems to have experienced, it has not experienced time at all; that is the illusion.  The highest state of vibration in the realm of creation is the unity of the original "soul spark" that was separated at the moment of creation from itself,  for the reason of expansion. The soul connection is a recognized vibration of  knowing that the one is part of a whole. The intense yearning towards its other part, is a knowing that comes from the higher realms of the "one over-soul". Each part  yearns to be united with its counter-part, the need to be "whole", this is its only quest within the temporal world. A longing to be whole once more.

Each soul was created as one "divine spark", which split into two; for the reason to experience different human journeys as a means of expansion of "Universal Consciousness" experiencing its own self. The two halves of the one "soul spark" are  forever seeking to be re-united with its own self.  It is not  a concept of knowing each other, but  actually being each other, since the time of creation. This is the reason for its actual existence, for each soul part learns, experiences and expands beyond itself through the human experience, thus at the time of union becomes greater than the sum of its original parts; which then is re-united within the whole of "Universal Consciousness".  John O`Donohue calls this "soul recognition" akin to meeting an old friend, and a "longing" for home.

A "divine thread" connects all of creation together, but the connection to one`s twin flame is of the same vibrational frequency, thus it has the "power of recognition", like a "fingerprint of knowing".  All actions of twin souls are beyond the physical realms of human expression or understanding. Thus it has nothing to do with human existence, expressions of emotions or  love within temporal time - only some human experiences are important and necessary   in as much as to regain more "soul experience" for the benefit of whole.

It is a way of completion to return home as "one", thus there is expansion of "Universal Consciousness" itself. There is no time,  nor space involved; except the power of the universal energy of creation-which is "love". Once a soul is united, it no loner has the need to incarnate, for the human experience is simply to reunite with its self as it can now return home....and then as a spiral, the cycle starts again over and over --as "Universal Consciousness" expands.

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