"We are not placed on this earth to be little more than walking vegetables.
-Og Mandino
At times humanity astounds me…sadly we are like sheep. One only needs to look how people behave in situations like sports games- how quickly people turn on and off, or how mindless they become regarding the adulation of celebrities. True—the word fan means fanatic, and fanatics they are in the most insane fashion. One would tend to think that at this time in our evolution our vibrational state should be a little bit above a-“#O” on the evolutions scale ; I am speaking metaphorically in a way, or rather follow the statement of Prof. Michio Kaku the theoretical physicist –when he states we have just merely stepped from”#0” level of civilization…into the first rung of- “#1”, as according to him there are least”#6” levels in the universe. No wonder—then this behavior is probably normal. I wonder what those folks who are observing us out there are thinking.
-Og Mandino
At times humanity astounds me…sadly we are like sheep. One only needs to look how people behave in situations like sports games- how quickly people turn on and off, or how mindless they become regarding the adulation of celebrities. True—the word fan means fanatic, and fanatics they are in the most insane fashion. One would tend to think that at this time in our evolution our vibrational state should be a little bit above a-“#O” on the evolutions scale ; I am speaking metaphorically in a way, or rather follow the statement of Prof. Michio Kaku the theoretical physicist –when he states we have just merely stepped from”#0” level of civilization…into the first rung of- “#1”, as according to him there are least”#6” levels in the universe. No wonder—then this behavior is probably normal. I wonder what those folks who are observing us out there are thinking.
People post some wonderful, meaningful, profound quotes mostly—but most people simply get a FB “like” tick, with that little blue thumb pointing up for it- you know similar to the tick we got in school for getting something right--except generally that was made with a red pen which made us feel fuzzy and good inside—But really folks, who in their right mind feels a satisfaction from that FB “like”? The point I am trying to make here is that —it would be nice to have a comment on a particular quote that was posted —or perhaps a brief discussion of the odd post now and then--I think that the person who does the posting deserves at least that for their effort. I know, I get it- there are discussion groups for things like this—but I still feel that those BF "likes"are is just “all ado about nothing” type of thing. So I decided to stop posting and to retreat, for I feel that it is total waste of time—Maybe I expect more from people, some thought, a little function of grey matter—or some demonstration of interest, otherwise it is simply a futile exercise.Yes-for further information if you are interested or wandering- I commented with at least a few words on all the posts of my "friends".
Let me make it perfectly clear- it is not for wanting a pat on the back for a quote or a post, but simply to discuss its merit -either pro or contra so that at least it is acknowledged in some way; this way we learn form it, or think about it or simply state our opinions regarding it.
And other major pet peeve of
mine is throwing around the phrase - "I love you" so freely , as a figure of speech in a sense, - I assume that the word "love" is as
an actual verb. No? —I agree, it is possible once you have interacted
with the person on a deeper level to say-"I love you" —but let me add this these words in capitals “TO
LOVE ALL PEOPLE“, simple is just not so.
I have come to the conclusion that so many valuable quotes, observations, philosophies, ideas are posted and hardly a few are ever valued, discussed or actually the advice practiced or ever taken. People still go on their merry way without a thought doing exactly the same thing before they have read perhaps a most profound post, maybe a life changing quote, saw a great video, or heard a soul moving piece of music that actually would make an enormous change in their lives. They just allow the moment to go by, slip away from them—but then maybe this is where the wheat get separated from the chaff, not that I am wheat—far from it, but at least I acknowledge the fact that I am chaff and trying to become with work, wheat maybe one day—this never even occurs to many of them. The point is at least I know and recognize this, accept it and try and remedy my life. But maybe it is the time when we are deciding into which dimension we would like to step next, or simply say in the physical quagmire –of the material. Many have decided.—Sadly at times ego wins hands down.
I wish to be light, not darkness- not ignorance, not mediocrity, but .....be the soul I was created to be, a Divine Spark. I refuse to be ordinary. I AM light.
“I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a
mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply ALL
my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my
potential until it cries for mercy. ”
―Og Mandino; The Greatest Salesman in the World
―Og Mandino; The Greatest Salesman in the World
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