Monday 27 October 2014


The "twin flame"-is the term given to the two parts that make up one soul.  The union of  "twin flames"  is an energy vibration that transcends the limited consciousness of duality- which are the two counterparts of "one soul"- that was split into two at the moment of its creation.  Within the concept of creation "duality" is an illusion- only "unity" exists. There is no linear time, thus no matter how many lifetimes the soul seems to have experienced, it has not experienced time at all; that is the illusion.  The highest state of vibration in the realm of creation is the unity of the original "soul spark" that was separated at the moment of creation from itself,  for the reason of expansion. The soul connection is a recognized vibration of  knowing that the one is part of a whole. The intense yearning towards its other part, is a knowing that comes from the higher realms of the "one over-soul". Each part  yearns to be united with its counter-part, the need to be "whole", this is its only quest within the temporal world. A longing to be whole once more.

Each soul was created as one "divine spark", which split into two; for the reason to experience different human journeys as a means of expansion of "Universal Consciousness" experiencing its own self. The two halves of the one "soul spark" are  forever seeking to be re-united with its own self.  It is not  a concept of knowing each other, but  actually being each other, since the time of creation. This is the reason for its actual existence, for each soul part learns, experiences and expands beyond itself through the human experience, thus at the time of union becomes greater than the sum of its original parts; which then is re-united within the whole of "Universal Consciousness".  John O`Donohue calls this "soul recognition" akin to meeting an old friend, and a "longing" for home.

A "divine thread" connects all of creation together, but the connection to one`s twin flame is of the same vibrational frequency, thus it has the "power of recognition", like a "fingerprint of knowing".  All actions of twin souls are beyond the physical realms of human expression or understanding. Thus it has nothing to do with human existence, expressions of emotions or  love within temporal time - only some human experiences are important and necessary   in as much as to regain more "soul experience" for the benefit of whole.

It is a way of completion to return home as "one", thus there is expansion of "Universal Consciousness" itself. There is no time,  nor space involved; except the power of the universal energy of creation-which is "love". Once a soul is united, it no loner has the need to incarnate, for the human experience is simply to reunite with its self as it can now return home....and then as a spiral, the cycle starts again over and over --as "Universal Consciousness" expands.

Friday 17 October 2014


Some days the heart is so full that it is impossible to get anything out. It feels like there is so much wanting to escape that it actually blocks the flow….like a river that is blocked by the oncoming logs. The river cannot  flow freely, and the logs  simply pile up one by one. That is my heart today.  I don`t think of myself as a writer, I would describe myself more of a self talker, for when I write I am having a heart to heart with my higher self…thus flow the ideas, thoughts and if I am lucky answers to questions that I may have. Nobody is reading my writing, as nobody is reading yours, but the universe has a very large ear, and as we all know all is connected—so I am sure maybe someone in Siberia, or Tokyo is picking up my thoughts  as well as yours and is putting pen to paper—we are  the producers and they are the actors, that is how I translate all this in my imagination. Maybe wishful thinking, but good for my spirit.

 Do you ever go back and read stuff you have written months or years ago? I do…the odd time. If this is not the case, why do we write anyway? Maybe we should just call it “conversation with God” and just leave it at that never to revisit as we do with regular conversations. I don`t know—I just feel at an utter loss and a need for something, but know not what. No—not you. You`re not it at all—thought I am sure you wish you were, it feels good to have one`s ego massaged. However—somehow I have passed that point, for –for some unearthly reason I simply feel you are all around me, constantly. Weird. No?

Sometimes I am angry at myself for not being upset, for not feeling your loss, for not being bothered by the fact that I haven`t heard from you in ages—yet still I feel fine. Neither is it that I have stopped loving you—of course I haven`t. Probably even more than ever—but then why don`t I need your physical presence? I don`t understand all this at all. I feel serene, at peace and in a wonderful place within spirit, filled with grace—and this at times makes me feel guilty. It shoudn`t I know—for we are spiritual beings having a human experience—this life is but a moment of illusion.

I wonder if you understand what I am actually trying to say—you probably do. However how we got to this point in time is beyond me—it is the greatest of mysteries to me. Maybe through all these past years we have said all we had to say each other—we surely ran out of cards—maybe all the other physical stuff also, only the soul stuff is left—which needs no words. Maybe we have progressed beyond that—or it is my wild imagination, my wild romantic heart that sings to me with voices of unseen angels to my spirit. Whatever it is—it is where I have found peace and love for God, for you and for myself.

This experience with you is certainly a huge step up in our spiritual expansion and growth, if such a thing actually exists—it has taught us much. I think I speak for you as well, as I think I know your hear rather well—you may disagree with this, but I know I am right.

Where to now?  Nowhere , we are where we have to be—so be happy my heart, this is but a moment in eternity. Just think how much fun and great times await us next time around, I know for sure. Did we end this on a bad note—not at all, just a brief hiatus. Why?—Well the future will shine a light on it and we shall surely know—God works in mysterious ways, and those ways are always correct, more so than what our little brains can conjure up. 

So, right this minute I shall burn all them logs! 

Friday 3 October 2014


One would tend to think that human nature proceeds on a straight line forward in development on the learning curve. Like from point A to point B and so forth in a straight line towards enlightenment. That seems to be the logical route, to reach the destination but often it is not.  We seem to go through endless exercises what I would call, ”all ado about nothing”, also at times we do things that are totally contradictory to “creatures with soul”. By this I mean we are so inconsistent with our behaviour, or maybe another description would be, disloyalty to ourselves—to our very humanity.We so easily become tired and bored of things including relationships. We hold nothing sacred and have become the throwaway generation--"if we don`t like it we throw it away". There is no value to anything including emotions these days--yet the "new vibrational state", that claims "love and light" as its very anthem, seem to be emerging more and more into the darkness, the antithesis of the very words of the awakening process into higher realms of consciousness. How ironic is this?

Perhaps it is in our nature simply to become bored with situations easily, discouraged at the first signs of hard work or having a short attention span. Maybe this comes with chronological age or perhaps actual soul age or steadfastness of ego as we seem to become more hard and callous with time—Or perhaps just lessons that need to be learnt, or actual karma—but I don`t think it is that because in reality how much can a soul learn in one lifetime, not very much I would think.  I think these neutral or negative actions are the manifestations of the lacking of light within spirit. Very few, like saints and sages maybe able to let go of these traits of ego, but they are a few indeed few. They are the sacred in this world radiating unconditional love. Sadly—most of us do not fit into the sacred category.

What do I actually mean? In my case, which is possibly very normal, as I doubt I am not unique in creation, though we each would like to think that we are different—but we are not. Any situation that we face has been faced before, we just think that we are the only one to face the tantamount tragedies and comedies that our lives have to offer. We think we loved the most, loved the deepest, loved the hardest--we were part of the greatest love story ever told. We whole heartedly believe that we lost the most,  suffered the most, hurt the most and above all that we are special and there is no other creature like us. This is the greatest of ego`s illusions--as we are a simple speck in the eye of the Creator.

 No, we are not special at all—we are all in the same boat going through the same paces of so called, ”living” I have to admit we are also great liars, cheats and  the most disloyal  to situations at a drop of  a hat, and hurt the one`s we love the most-just for the sake of feeding our ego.—We pride  ourselves as being the pinnacle of creation, yet I probably guess we are actually at the very bottom of the barrel within the animal kingdom when it comes to these traits. What animal cheats, lies, betrays, kills, punishes, its own to a point of extinction? —And other animals as spirit gently reminds me here.  Plus I have to add a rather important  sad point—which is that we actually do it being fully conscious of the facts and of the outcomes. One could actually forgive the behaviour if consciousness was not involved—we forgive children. As Christ said on the cross, “Father forgive them for they not know what they do”.  But He was wrong—for we know, yet we do it.  All with full intention to each other. Yes—and we do this on all levels, -personal as well as public levels in life.

Other animals only do it to a very small degree with regarding their survival, but man does it for selfishness, for power, for comfort, for pride—for satisfaction of ego.  Maybe it is a survival mode, but if that is the case—then it begs the question—who is more evolved spiritually in the animal kingdom? Who has less expression of ego?  Who behaves in less animal fashion? Who carries more light in their spirit? Who radiates more love—us? Or the less evolved animals?