Well as you sort of eluded to as to what a great time you had in Kentucky--That sentiment was repeated in my , or rather our lives.
My darling Klaryssa aka Buttercup has her birthday on the 1/August--so w celebrated her 15th birthday this Sunday. She is beautiful, clever and one of the sweetest soul on this planet. Gentle, sensitive, caring and above all, loving--cares for all and everything. We are so blessed to have her in our family--an earth angel in form. Those gorgeous eyes are just magic and her sweet nature.
It was one of the most beautiful days we have had in a while, We got to their new place about 3pm--they have now finished with the decorating, and it is beautiful . Laurissa and George made a feast to behold--I brought the cake. We feasted like the Romans--and drank like the Greeks.
Adriyanna is home from Oliver,--she moved back home now that they are so close to school. Her room is great--like a separate apartment--she is very happy to be home. She is almost finished the summer semester at university--she is doing fabulously. She is so smart--good thing that she didn`t go to Europe, now she is at least ahead with her credits. .In school she won everything that was to be won--she is clever with a great head on her shoulders, as well as beautiful.
Jullia--well she is just an other angel--she is almost all grown up at 12, I hardly recognize her, each time she is different. She is the one that will break many hearts--I hope though that she will keep up with studies and the boys will not turn her head.
Oliver, Manjula and sweet Scarlett came over too. An other little angel. I adore her, my prayers are for her well being constantly--I hope she will be alright. She seems to be doing fine for a while now. Wow we have a whole choir of angels we are so very blessed.
We had fun laughed much, talked much and ate even more--even Bruno had a feast from all the remnants of food that mom brought home. He is my mom`s resident house pet, or at times pest--but he is loved anyway. Used to live in the attic, but has been evicted--now into the trees in the garden after $2,500 of roof repair. He chewed a big hole in the roof, and other things you do not want to know--the smell was horrific. Yes--and he is still a tenant--see we are a compassionate bunch.
We stayed till very late--.I missed Dolores, Olivia and Ali--and sweet Tiffany--I am sure all did, but nobody said anything, only our hearts were crying. We were always such a close family that everybody envied us. This is such a sad part of our lives now--life goes by, so fast and all is missed and can never be ever regained. How very, very sad! For what--? I am sure none of us can now say actually why--for the reason is long forgotten--but what can you do?
My mom had one of the best days of her life in years. She actually said so. --We were all so very, very happy! Carefree and joyous--filled with love. I was happy to see everyone so very happy. Sweet memories last Sunday--much to remember for many years to come. I am so grateful for this beautiful day --being together in peace and love.Did I think of you--yes I did. I thought how wonderful it would be were you here also darling. True!
Deo Gratias--and to Our Lady for being so very gracious to us for these precious moments in our lives. Blessed are You forever. My heart is filled with gratefulness.
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