Tuesday 6 August 2013

Time is running out #52

Time to get moving so says the clock--need to leave some serious footprints behind.Need  to make some real serious life changes with the help God, my Blessed Mother, LeLaHel, Xerxes , St Francis, St Jude, Blessed Karoly Wojtila, St Jude, St Francis and a few more blesseds

Some days are more inspired than others. Today is such a day. Not because it is the "Feast of the Transfiguration", but for some reason I am filled with the Holy Spirit. I know, I know--I am no great saint at all. But I am still filled to the brim--yes, glowing, transfigured and radiating all possible light and love. Yeah--and damn cute as well. Today I like myself--some days not as much.

This is not being that really --but it is being filled with life. Thus I decided not to do much--though I did have much on the agenda, though I wasn`t going to see any patients today anyway--but this is now "my day"--of appreciating "all, myself and you darling of course. Bare --"assed" at times--but really "arsed" is the term I was searching for--appreciated in any which way.

Much of this morning was spent in quite contemplation, reading and prayers. Feels good. At times I feel so far from God like he`s trillions of light years away, and at times like now, I am within His very heart. I am grateful for all, I seem to see things in a more clear light when I am like this-- . Plus, I don`t care about much-except to see and value all that there is , appreciate all of creation that is the only thing that matters only really. People, animals and all my plants--all plants, flowers and even the weeds-- that I love.

I am almost a vegetarian--I don`t eat much meat at all--lacto-ovo though. Meat generally only once a week, mostly chicken or fish Some weeks not at all. So --today I have decided to change a few things in my life-True, often I do this and keep to it, commit to it briefly, then I forget. Maybe now, if I write down a few things I will be able to keep to it--with the grace of God.
I have been rather good with a few things the past months--but as Og Mandino says in his great little book "The greatest salesman in the world"--one must do something for 14 days--morning, noon, night and once before bed to make it a habit.  I have quite a few things--especially regarding my internal life.  I feel I have accomplished much this year--more so than any other.

I have to admit and be honest--I have left many things by the wayside, that I shouldn`t have. But there is so much that one often loses track of all the things one comes into contact with, or is interested in. Just slips from the mind--especially many thoughts, ideas and philosophical teachings  that are profound, yet one loses it. 

Often it comes back--when the idea is triggered, but otherwise so much lies dormant that it is shameful. But--being human does that. I have read so much great stuff, learnt so much, heard so much, seen so much and experienced so much--yet it seems to be deposited in some repository somewhere in the recesses of my mind--maybe one day somewhere in time I shall be able to recall it for maybe it is actually present on the hard drive, only filed away. Maybe things we have loved, learnt, liked, are attached to us and are  never ever  get lost--only temporarily forgotten like our previous lives. 

Such were my thoughts today, being in somewhat of a pensive mood regarding life.--and my head is filled with many plans, many things on my "bucket list" that perhaps -God willing I shall be able to achieve and do. Yes--time is winding down for all --for creatures great and small.
Its a gorgeous night--though being in the city--there are a few stars. Weather cool and a gentle breeze is blowing and all cares, stresses seem miles away at this moment. Only peace and serenity seems to be present, though it isn`t really quite as there is still much traffic outside--but it is all winding down. I wish you were here so very much--but you are in my heart.

I made a few commitments in my heart today, rather a long list, quite demanding maybe even unrealistic. But hey reach for the stars and one may get the moon.--Will I be able to keep it--my commitments? I shall surly try. It is the intention that counts always--and that is present a 100%.

I shall definitely report back as to how it goes down--but not even Rome was built in a day. Yes--the list is not here--maybe one day I shall reveal it. It is all good darling--all good.

This year is almost over, --flying by. Last year at this time I thought you would never be back-ever. Never did a day go by when I never thought of you, or prayed for you. And here we are now once more--God gave us one more chance to make a go of it. Are we not so very blessed?  Maybe we are being loved--as we ourselves love.

I have also changed my little Quetzal--avatar . I like her better.

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