Saturday 24 August 2013

The flight of thoughts #64

Funny how one`s mind works. At times stuff is all there, and then a moment and-----poof gone. I had all these things planned in my head of things I wanted to say this morning but I spent much time in updating our "card entries"--wow, we have almost 300 since our new life together. True, most are from me, but you have written  many letters I have archived --as well as mine own ones. I do it regularly as it then becomes far too much of a task. Now all thoughts have fled from me, no wonder-- thoughts do have wings.

It is really only the words that remain--so I treasure all of ours in an almost "sacred" way--I consider them to be  the expression of our actual inner life. We are the only ones that know about it--it is really a secret life that we are living, an actual other world.

Only the words remain. Of All else dissipates and disappears into the fog of the past. There is no future either--I rarely make any plans, all we have is the moment of "now" and the "past memories"--be that good or bad.  Our lives are like a tapestry of words said to each other--I make no distinction between the spoken or written words. To me they are exactly the same in our hearts and minds. The mind cannot distinguish between the actual experience in the physical, to experiences in the mental sphere--so it interprets it all in the same way.

Frequently I re-visit our writings--even my own to remind myself of my own feelings--as it is often forgotten. They revitalise my soul in so many ways--I am then also reminded of what is really of importance in our brief life---what is transient and what is permanent.

To be continued later............

Tonight I got a letter from you-on my one computer it was in "computer script for some reason " but  on my lap top I could read it . It was very poetic, however made not much sense-at this time--actually often you make no sense, I have no idea what you are actually saying. But maybe I shall contemplate over it, and I shall see and feel you.--Then you wrote back--with not much explanation, but I do have an idea as to why.

I have always liked Wordsworth in school, though I do  adored Blake--but I saw the movie tonight, and it reminded me of my own youth, of poems I loved. This one was special--thought it was also in the film. However --this is from my own recollections of my heart.


/William Wordsworth 1880

Verse #10
Then sing, ye Birds, sing, sing a joyous song!
              And let the young Lambs bound
              As to the tabor's sound!
          We in thought will join your throng,
              Ye that pipe and ye that play,
              Ye that through your hearts to-day
              Feel the gladness of the May!

          What though the radiance which was once so bright
          Be now for ever taken from my sight,
              Though nothing can bring back the hour
          Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower;
              We will grieve not, rather find
              Strength in what remains behind;
              In the primal sympathy
              Which having been must ever be;
              In the soothing thoughts that spring
              Out of human suffering;
              In the faith that looks through death,
          In years that bring the philosophic mind.

Yes--it all passes only the memories remain in our heart--of people ,times, places and things--nothing else.

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