Monday 5 August 2013

Arabella Magazine & my mom #49

Image It's About Summer!
With this our 2013 Summer issue we wish you smiles and happiness. It's been a long winter and spring and it's now time to let the sun into our lives. Our cover is our invitation to celebrate and enjoy being alive. It's our hope that the features in the magazine take you on some special journeys.

Summer also brings us to a major milestone in our Great Canadian Landscape contest. All the art has been submitted and we invite you to explore the works of these terrific artists. You can find the link on the home page of this website or you can go directly to it at .

For the last year, this talented group have shared their passion of art and their love of Canada and we are now pleased to exhibit their personal visions of the beauty and emotional spirit of the country. I believe they have truly demonstrated the emotional power of landscape art in shaping the contemporary Canadian identity. We're looking forward to the final events of the contest and the creation of a great book reflecting contemporary landscape art of Canada.

In looking at art one is often led to wonder about the mind of the artist; what journey they wish to take us on and why. We have been blessed with having someone in this community of artists who has given voice to what lies within their hearts and souls. Katalin Rohn has shared openly with all of us, and Debra and I feel that in return we wish to give her a presence here in the magazine so that she can speak to all of you. I think she reflects the spirit of camaraderie and passion among these artists. She speaks for all of us and we thank her immensely.

"I think that anyone who has ever picked up a paintbrush (with a true desire to create) will understand that the hands are the mere vehicles of expressing what the heart and soul is whispering and wants to express. As I am sure many of you have read my story - that painting at age 84 (now I shall be 88 in June) has actually sought me out - thus I am blessed by its gifts.

"Kiss of autunm"
"I am no great artist, but I do hope to leave the love of art and the way I see the world as a legacy for my three children, four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, at this point in time. True, I have left it late, however nothing is ever really late when we decide to do it whole-heartedly, and to make a bit of a difference in the world is never too late at all, especially doing something that one loves most sincerely.

"Appreciation or creation of beauty has its own special vibration that spreads - and it envelops the planet, making it a better, more loving and compassionate place. Momentarily, it makes us forget all the tragedies, grief and pain of the world - for us artists, as well as for the observers. That is what all of you are doing, brush stoke by brush stroke, making this blue orb a more beautiful place, or rather making others see what they would be actually blind to. It is in fact the actual manifestation of love that is the base of all existence - that which a painter brings to the world through their creativity.

"Many today are far too materialistic and the beauty around is missed by chasing the future. Or they live in the past and are by-passing the present. Art reminds us of the present and that in reality that is all that we have. Unless documented (it) dissipates like the morning fog and it is what we store in our soul that we take with us after we leave this world.

"Artists have this unique talent of awakening the spirit and reminding the world to see, appreciate and value all the beauty of creation. This is a rare gift. As artists we know that the paramount importance is not to sell a painting but for people to see our work. Sure we need money to live, to buy supplies, but it is not the primary motivation for the artist. It is being able bring it from the depths of one`s soul, their vision that holds them spellbound and breathless with love and enthusiasm for their work, for their passion.

"I appreciate every single one of your works. They are all beautiful unique and special and all tell a personal story, and for the ones who really actually see it with their heart, are all blessed, for truly art is food for the spirit."

"I often quote the great Bouguereau the way that I feel about painting: "Each day I go to my studio full of joy; in the evening when obliged to stop because of darkness I can scarcely wait for the morning to come... if I cannot give myself to my dear painting I am miserable. (Adolfe-William Bouguereau)

"I am sure it is true for many of you, as it is for me. Wishing you all the best of luck in this competition and in the future. It is not really winning that counts but producing all this wonderful art for the world to see. I am blessed to be part of this talented group, producers of such wondrous pieces. Bravo to all of you!

Katalin Rohn

Please take a moment, or many, to visit the ARABELLA Great Canadian Landscape Collection. Over 100 artists present you with an outstanding collection of more than 330 works. We invite you to show your support by choosing your favourites for the People's Choice Award - just one of the great prizes being offered. All prizes will be awarded in August 2013 and will be presented in our upcoming ARABELLA Fall 2013 issue.

Until then, we hope you enjoy this beautiful issue of ARABELLA. Have a wonderful summer!

                                "Blue horizons" 

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