Tuesday 2 July 2013

Mad?- Not Mad? #23

Fractals Owl
Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone we find it with another.

Having had a little time to think about it, I feel certainly that we are not mad. I think its is all the other so called  "normal people" that are mad. Was Merton, Dante, Romeo, Rumi, Hafez, Beethoven, Browning, Wagner and numerous more, mad or insane because they loved? Are all with the artistic soul mad? Or do they just express more that which needs expression, of why we were created, for God is love.

Often I have felt guilty the way I feel, that perhaps I am mad-but then at this point in time I realise that the world is mad, filled with the want of material possessions. Wanting to fill, to stuff that hole in the heart that needs an other soul to fill --well not to fill wrong expression, but to share. We are creatures not of singularity, but of plurality in a way. Or rather two sides of one coin--if we do not find that other side, we feel less than complete, short changed and that is why so many chase that illusive material  that promises happiness. There is a Chinese proverb--"happiness is not found in possessions or gold, the feeling of happiness dwells in the soul". The reason of being is love, to love, beloved-which is the physical manifestation of God in the world. So it is the only right thing in the world.

So, I have come to the conclusion that I am in fact normal and happy. I or we--I hope you feel the same way, are and do have that which all are chasing--though you are in Chicago and I in Toronto--distance makes no difference to the heart. And I am contented-and You? I love and I feel loved-hoping that it is not my imagination that you love me. But having said that--it is all what lies in the heart, how we feel and that is how things actually are manifesting reality--nothing else counts .We create our own reality--we create our own world and our own imaginings. That is what reality is, thought it may total delusion to the outside world. So-I am okay, we are okay, the world is not okay.

"To say that I am made in the image of God is to say that love is the reason for my existence, for God is love. Love is my true identity. Selflessness is my true self. Love is my true character. Love is my name.”

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