Saturday 13 July 2013

Lets call it a journal #26

From here on I think--after 232 entries, I shall call it my journal--maybe our journal, we shall see as nothing ever is the way one expects it to be. So we shall leave it up to fate as to where it will lead us from here. I hope to interesting places of the mind, of the imagination and of the heart.

Why I decided that it is time for a change is that blogs seem rather impersonal in a way--where
as a journal is entirely personal. Thus from here on it will have more personal revelations-for if I am writing this for perhaps for later , maybe when I am not here , it should have more personal feelings, information and special insight into me .

Maybe it is not a great idea to do this where the world does have a window on all of this, but it honestly is important to be honest truthful and open myself as to who I am actually are--not that I haven`t been , but in certain areas perhaps I haven`t,--so from here on there will be revelations ...slowly so don`t expect major revelations tomorrow, but one step at a time. Do I have secrets-no, not at all--only things that one seldom brings into the light. At this point even I don`t know what lies in the recesses of my heart, mind and soul. But we all have--and I shall bring them forth in time of course.

So some thing change , some things never change--some things need to be seen in their true light.

So journal it shall be--for some to read it in the future--for mostly people who love me, for only they shall be interested in reading my thoughts and feelings--.

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