Saturday 13 July 2013

Grace #25

Have you ever seen something so beautiful that it makes you a little short of breath, your heart beat a little faster , you feel euphoric almost in a transcend state. Often one feels strange even almost ashamed during such situations, as one cannot hide one`s emotions, and one will get the most bizarre glances from the people around. The thought enters one mind as to why don`t they express their emotions in similar fashion, but I suppose we are all different. The appreciation beauty is built into some of us, more than others. Perhaps we are each just wired differently . Also beauty is in the eye of the beholder—but it actually has a physical affect on people, as well as a psychological one: Stendhal syndrome is not just am imaginary description , but a physical manifestation..

Everyone has different things that they find beautiful. For me? A major one is the art of William-Adolphe Bouguereau the French academic painter and traditionalist. In his realistic genre paintings of mythological themes. But then I am a romantic. I adore “The first kiss””—Cupid and Psyche as children and the other is “Psyche and Eros”. It is magical—Most definitely brings out the slumbering Stendhal syndrome from my soul. It absolutely for me they are the most beautiful images I feel I will see this side of eternity. What I feel provoked the artist to produce such wonder, is the grace of God in action. The closest that perhaps one can actually come to perceiving the physicality of God. In such moments of beauty the revelation of God’s character is revealed or is mirrored for me--then I cannot ever doubt the existence of God.
The poet Keats wrote-“A thing of beauty is a joy for ever: Its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness.”But does this actually happen? You see, some of the physical things we give the epithet of the beautiful the actuality of change,--it may crumble, disintegrate and become dust—but then does the memory remain with us? Do people we love and as they grow old feel the same to us? —do we still see them as they were when we fell in love with them? Do we love the physical image or the soul image or the spiritual aspects of the beloved? Hard question—for us humans are besotted by the physical for numerous reasons—one being to keep the species going,- but what of the actual divine part of man? If we believe in that? Do we fall in love with the poet or do we fall in love with his words which reflects his soul? Is it eros or agape that we value? Or the supreme gift of God-grace?

In today`s world this is often seems to be somehow hidden. Why? Perhaps we are far too distant from God, perhaps we are far too scientific and want concrete answers for God to prove himself—actually at times demanding revelation almost as if it were our birthright to know. Well—I doubt that will ever happen, as I would venture to bet that God has far more important issues than trying to convince us mere humans of his existence—it is up to us to figure it out or be connected enough to be able to decipher the actual codes which God has written into our hearts.
I personally struggle to have grace, often disheartened and feel that God has abandoned me as he had Anthony in Alexandria, but I am sure he wasn`t he had just thought so in his dark moment—but the feeling passes—as it did for him, as does for me, as it does for all quickly, as we once more see the world around us unfold in life and reveal its exquisite beauty, and the magnificent awesomeness of creation of God –from the most minute to the greatest. It is all a miracle, as we are.

It’s not always easy for us to have grace, accept grace which is so freely dispensed by God out of love for us. God has given us so much of it and yet we can struggle to show it. How do we become better at showing others grace? Immerse ourselves entirely in the grace we’ve been shown, immerse ourselves in the testimonies of God’s grace around us. Get lost in the amazing grace of God and appreciate it in heartfelt gratitude of the gifts bestowed upon us—and pass it on to the ones less fortunate whereby , and though which they will be lifted up –and their burdens, suffering and pain become more bearable as they realize that –someone cares, that is God who is reflected in the physicality of an other caring human being . We are the grace of God personified--use it.

God is not in heaven , but we are in God. Look not for God, for you are always have been within God .

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