Sunday 21 July 2013

How soon we forget #36

Love is from the infinite, and will remain until eternity.
The seeker of love escapes the chains of birth and death.
Tomorrow, when resurrection comes,
The heart that is not in love will fail the test.

Rumi from Thief of Sleep

I was thinking here as I was reading some poems from Rumi and Hafez--and as I posted a quote from the Gita  in the yahoo group--I was reminded as to how easily and quickly we  forget things.Things once that were important are probably sitting somewhere in our minds on dusty shelves, entirely forgotten. I have had so many things as well as people that have touched my life, in fact changed my life --and yet I have seem to have forgotten all. 

Things I thought were so very important to my very being, my entire existence of my life , whose works made me the person I am-- whom I adored, revered and loved. Poets, writers, philosophers, artists and all that make life rich, beautiful and valuable.  Ideas, beliefs seem to stay briefly and as they quickly as they came they seem to leave--sort of come and gone like the wind. Things, ideas, philosophies, values I thought tremendously important--things I would literally live  or die for-- Yet--only fragments remain--for me. Some totally lost and have turned to dust

Maybe I have an awful memory, perhaps it is information overload, or maybe we just remember things very briefly. But I do hope that it  in fact gets to be incorporated into the fabric of our souls. Maybe we don`t consciously remember, but sub- consciously we do and we never loose it. Or--maybe one life time is simply not enough to remember all the information to register fully. 

True--some things often  jumps back into my mind , once I am reminded--but otherwise it is all gone. Maybe--the mind is a computer and you need the passwords. But looking back--there has been so much that I was interested, involved in, immersed in, knew inside out over the years--yet  hardly even fragments seem to have remained. Maybe it is there and it is only  buried--I hope.

Maybe it is a good idea to keep a record of what one`s interest is at the moment, what one is reading or is into. I keep referring back to Merton as I am into his writings--he used to state what he was reading and whom in all his entries. Where his interest was lying.

That is a great idea--at least later--but then  the next question is --whether  one actually ever reads one`s own entries anyway-? LOL. Moral of the story is: one should! -then at least one is reminded --"hey I was interested , totally into the new  and oh so many old philosophers as well as the ancient ones. For a while they seemed like old friends. The different mythologies, religions, belief systems, the Annunaki were for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Energies, crystals, past lives, numerology, astrology, crop circle, divinations, or those weird alien reptiles, UFO`s, ascension and hundreds of other things-- far too many to mention way back then. Hell where on earth did they get to?". LOL. Now I ask you--isn`t human nature just strange and weird? So record all --or lose it all-that is my advice to myself. Will I take it--probably by tomorrow I will have forgotten what I have written tonight LOL 

At least today it makes things easier all one has to do is look it up in the computer in seconds, whereas years ago one needed days or weeks  to find it in the books one had read probably years ago--or had lent the books to God know whom,  and had never gotten it  back. Then it was a trek and search through books in the library all through the night for one forgotten something.

Life is much easier now --thank you Janos Neumann !--one has to acknowledge that we Magyars are simple the cat`s whiskers--no doubt. Without us the world would simply stop spinning LOL. Well-sadly I have to admit-that most of my genes are of the Germanic kind--maybe a Magyar gene sneaking in here and there --.

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