Sunday 21 July 2013

Moon # 37

What a  most beautiful sight to behold--the moon tonight--fascinating, mysterious and  yet it hardly ever crosses our mind to really contemplate as to how incredibly strange a phenomena it is. How strange the world is, how strange -we human beings are, how complicated, how intricate. Every part of us working like a Swiss clock, far better in fact.

Tonight , this most wondrous celestial object is an enormous silver orb dominating the sky. One seldom thinks how unimaginably complicated  all creation is--how everything is in sync, how everything works precisely down to the minutest virus, to quarks and quarks and beyond. We just take it for granted, without a second though and often without an ounce of gratitude to that great Universal Consciousness-our God who has blessed us with such wonders and miracles.

All containing some mysterious life force, energy--most surely even thing that we think are inanimate. When one experiences these things in a conscious sense, in an awake state, as we are asleep most of our lives, and I don`t mean in bed, but in our daily lives--or perhaps even dead as a doornail to the spiritual aspects of our being. When one really ponders these things of life--the vitality, the expression and the manifestations of existence, then I just don`t understand how then some have the audacity to doubt the existence of God. Or how can they actually justify it?

I am not talking religion- of any sort--those are  to me is as far from God as the next galaxy--but the divine aspects of that creator force/forces that I term God. That in mind cannot be denied, argued away through some material "mumbo jumbo"--meaning "well we cant` demonstrate it scientifically in the material sense, no mathematical formula can prove it or an equation;  thus it does not exist". Poppycock and then some. I think these people will be rather surprised when they get to the end of the line, as we all shall--then what will their story be? Now--that is the real question.

Such perfectness cannot be simply be  coincidence or random coming together  Even Darwin at the end of his life had very deep doubts about --his  own "Origin of species" and Einstein had even greater doubts about the "non" existence of God--on his deathbed, though I suppose it is never too late for awakening.

I find it odd that most scientist are atheists--yet they are actually are the ones who should  have the greatest of faith as they see in clear light the extraordinary workings of creation, the magnificence of nature and that it is doubtful that all and everything is merely--an accident or all emerging out of chaos, - however according to science all is entropy, "chaos increasing", proceeding further into disorder.

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