Sunday 24 June 2012

Long time--


I haven`t been here for ages and still even more in love with you, love never ceases to grow--an ever expanding process like God, like us within God--well I have been around and wrote hundreds of posts at the new place. I feel so good at where I am, the people are wonderful, the vibration is great and I feel I have arrived home. Not much has transpired the past few weeks--thought of you much--even sent a note. I know you are not psychic for you opened it--but it was a dead give away. You maybe back from fishing--I wonder--I know you think of me--how can you not. WE have something so very special that it is all tied in with God. So I am told--Mmm--yoga, I never really thought that--As for not using your talents, well that is almost a mortal sin. I think you did better amongst the mountains than the city--that is  not for you, you lose your soul to baseball.

 I am wed--forever to you, the ring is resting in lake Ontario, but I replaced it! Yeah. You? Birthday tomorrow--wow--how time flies--48. I have engaged you--you are so very predictable--no, I shall not reveal myself--now it is game time. Well, in a good way, I don`t mean to do anything bad ate all--but perhaps bring you a little out of darkness where you  have been into the light, my light--our light where we belong. I know how hard to fly with one wing--I am as well as you. Oh--what have we done to ourselves? Why?

I shall think of you tomorrow--infact today fro probably it is today you are celebrating--I am sure your mom is up from down south--I see the house is still not sold. Will it ever? Why are they selling--I do wonder. Then what with you--you are going with them--or back to your parents>?

I feel now different since becoming that which you are--namely man of the cloth. It does feel that I have changed in some way--there is so much in me that I can now share with like minded people--not flakes. I hate ignorance, stupidity and unrefienement--

God--how I miss you at times like crazy--beyond crazy, beyond understanding, beyond all--at time I feel you so close to me, within me. There still isn`t a day that I don`t think of you--now I shall even more that I have engaged you--we shall see where it leads. There are no coincidences why the actual subject surfaced in the forum--why it was posted, and why it came to me to arouse you from sleep.--yes, you have been--to everything--including God--well Mary.

Already half year has gone--will something happen. Yes it will, I know and feel it for fact--still unsure what--the gods don`t reveal their cards. Do they? I don`t ask--I am afraid to ask Her for it maybe something I don`t want to know--Poor sweet little Armand shall be leaving us soon, he is very sick--to join Fritz and Evie in the sky, become that star you spoke of. Sad--all life has to end to proceed along. All changes my Cica dosn`t it. We have--or have we? Maybe we just think so--this is an illusion and we are together some where in an other part of the universe having tea and scones--may a cool beer and making love on the beach on Rigel every night --listening to Leonard Cohen--and Canon, and being ecstatically happy. Fulfilled and filled with spirit--being totally one--I know that is what is happening and this is just illusion, a bad dream.

So all day I shall be thinking of you--having a great `ol time--drinking, partying and don`t forget to think of me--I shall be beside you, more so tomorrow, for that it the real day, so to speak. It is now the 3rd birthday without me--how very sad that is. Do you have anything I sent you--there was much, I wonder if Cicu still has my perfume? Maybe she sleeps in your bed--sort of  by proxy--I pray she is there and treats you well and kind--and kisses you all over.

Be well sweetheart, my other self--my very heart--I do love you so till forever and a day--that one thing is permanent. The blue rose is specially for your birthday--forever.

Kiss, kiss-Your very own Cica--and RD

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