Tuesday 29 May 2012

Sweet Pea


Well--Adriyanna  aka Sweet Pea took the offer from U of T--social sciences. I am rather disappointed, coudn`t--but I suppose the Blessed Mother knows I shall leave it in her hands.I really hope that she dosn`t mess up her life, she has so much promise. Now Laurissa says she dosn`t want to do veterinary medicine. Wow--I don`t know what to think. We had words--.At times I feel she dosn`t even like me never mind love me.ow she blames me for not allowing her into teaching--well it wasn`t my fault hers entirely because of Mike. 

I told Uncle Oliver  about Adriyanna not doing science--even he seemed disappointed--.  I suppose at this age I have come to understand that we are all individual and we all have to want things in our own life--and sadly one only learns though one`s own mistakes.We shall see if time allows--who knows what the future hold for all of us.

I know I did my best--the problem or where I went wrong was that i was far too lenient with her, I thought she thought like me. She too had so much promise. 

I always wanted the best for her, always trusted her, always was my priority--she dosn`t seem to think so. It is sad.

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