Tuesday 29 May 2012

What to do, what to do?

This was for me --
Question: Is this change that you are contemplating the Will of I AM? Is it for the benefit of spirit?

Yes--to both questions. You are in form for this very purpose, till now you have been partially asleep--out of choice and out of laziness to a point. You have been a positive light for may, but your full potential has not been realized and it is time before there is transformation. Without this there will be stagnation! If you choose not to go with it the road ahead will be unclear, you need this step to be able to have a clear vision of the map. 

It is easy to just bob on the water, but swimming is a bit more difficult--however it is only swimming that propels you forth. It is still your decision as it is clear that you have not totally have dedicated yourself to the idea--. There is some fear involved--but I AM, Universal Mind assure you that there is no ignorance on your part, it is only the lack of trust within yourself that causes this uneasiness, the false voice of ego. Once you get into it--it will all be very easy. You are familiar with the steps, you know the music--so dance. Many depend on you to bring them the light of understanding themselves, to know their destiny, to heal spirit that has been wounded by self.

Much time has passed since you have not been functioning at your full potential--now that is certainly not the will of Divine Consciousness, , I AM, Universal Light--God.The gifts you were given are for a purpose, and this is it--so exercise your talents.. If you do not it will propagate many problems within form--not just you but for many--especially your twin soul. Remember you are a unit--a complete whole at this point in creation.

As you are aware--both of you at this point in time, and both of you are simply just existing--bobbing along, treading water.That shall not do--that is far too easy and is not the reason neither the goal. Both of you should take this council, stop the stubbornness and obstinacy. Get on with the work that you volunteered for--both have forgotten that a good while ago. Playing the martyr at this point is uncalled for, neither is feeling sorry for the mess that you created through functions of your ego. Spend time daily connecting at your soul core level, converse, acknowledge and accept once and for all your destiny. You are forever entwined, thus act as one. Raise your voice in gratitude for this gift that so few have been bestowed with--Know how very lucky you are to have come to this point in existence--keep this thought always in your consciousness, never let it go for this is the reason why you have taken form.

So--as was said many times--commit, commit, commit with heart and soul.  The time for action has arrived, no more excuses--thus says to you --
Your Divine Creator, Holy Spirit--Alpha and Omega--The ALL

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