Thursday 22 March 2012



I actually know now what it is to be in the now. The brook singing, babbling  next to me, all is still. Nothing, just a few birds in the distance. The air feels fresh and has a sweet perfume to it, I love being here, present at the bottom of the garden. All is alive, yet silent.  There are these huge boulders in this little brook, with a Japanese bridge over it, as it keeps flowing, the water gliding over them, with a beautiful sound, like a gentle strumming of a guitar. There is a huge tree that fell across it, it seems to be resting there its arms reaching for the sky.  There are no leaves on the trees yet, only the pine. I feel I am elsewhere, yet I feel all around me. I am writing blind, as I just have my regular glasses on, to see, to observe.

There is moss on some of the rocks, with tufts of grass here and there, how lovely. They found their place in this beautiful space, on this earth. All wanting to live.

I can hear some geese honking in the distance, and some other bird calling to its mate. I am so blessed to be sitting here, on the bank just being in the moment, present.  Some rocks are fully immersed in the water, with green algae type  growth on them, going , swimming in the direction of the flow, all just living. This is life. Even that fallen tree seems to have some life in it, as it is spread across the brook. It`s waiting it seems for something, for perhaps its return to God. That is the fate of all living things, God. I do love it here in the gentle stillness...I wish I could write like you. You have the words, I just have the heart...well you have both.

The green moss just simply waiting patiently for a ray of sunshine to reach them. The little blades of grass waving to and fro in the slight breeze, a dandelion here or there already blooming...and it is only March. The buds are out on the peach tree, how wonderful to see all the new life erupting. How wondrous to see that from the still, quietness of winter arises all this beautiful life, the exquisite colours of nature. How miraculous, how awesome. How good and great is God. No? .

I am in darkness as I write, I am in the light, but my computer screen is all matter, it is the thoughts that count, not the screen.

I am so blessed by life, so blessed by all, by my family, by you.The pulse of life is around me, is around as a loving  embrace, and I feel it. Yes,  I think we were Buddhist, no we are with the exception that we have our God.

Anyway, I have to go and have lunch...back to reality, back into the world. It was wonderful to be extracted from it for a while. I can think, and reflect on everything, the past, present and future.

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