Monday 19 March 2012

Weird..Wyrd or what?

I am in one of those sarcastic, funny sort of up and down moods all rolled into one...Thus, my entry today will reflect my queer mood...not as in gay, but as in weird, yes maybe...Wyrd as well mythology wise.This daily highly un- intellectual(is there such a term?)..well, any way let` say, I am no genius in that department anyway, never was. No I am quite magic mushrooms, weed or such pleasantries to fulfill my miserable day.

Some one once said; the human condition is ever changing. One day you`re sad, the next you`re happy the next you have no idea what the hell you are. I have visited all three arenas lately--today in fact. I really don`t want be so philosophical sounding, as I am no philosopher, far from it. Just trying to grope about in the darkness at some straw.

As I said this morning, 2012 and `ascension` is a process and not an event, I have very strong feeling about this. So shoot me if it will be an event, however doubt if there will be time for even that then occurrence if the poo poo hits the fan. That would be fine with me, at least some excitement in our miserable little lives.

The latest, right off the Greg Giles daily Galactic Federation of Light, report, we were  told,  this you know there is one daily, they will be appearing in weeks, if not days all around the planet in `droves`. Well, this will be interesting, and I will believe it when I see it, or them. Not long to wait, unless they come up with some excuse as they did a while back. I have come to the conclusion, that people like Purple Crow....(well his intention is good, his heart is on the opposite side, in fact he has two:), but I think he is just a lost soul longing for home. Well, he has no bloody idea where that is in his mixed up mind! I think as most of us are...and a good story is always a good story....about all them star systems, and Bellatrix and Rigel et al.  Maybe I am just a cynic today, but I don`t think any body has the slightest of clue about anything as to what is going to happen...if anything. All born out of unstable minds, including my own at times.

I think we are all face a huge, mega disillusionment regarding all the expectations about 2012. Creating a fantasy of delusion, trying to escape life. For what? No matter what happens we shall die anyway..sooner or later. Then no matter what our beliefs, philosophies, ideas--nobody knows. Nobody has ever come back. Look at Houdini, he swore he would if he could . He never did. Did he? So even the so called NDE are maybe the firing of some neurons going wild as they are dying off, the brain being in  its final death throes. Maybe, just maybe the atheists are right. Well, their theory is just as valid as anyone`s.

Ignorance is bliss-- for sure. Not that I am a luminary, but I think a bit. I wish I didn`t--as the more one thinks about all this the more depressed one gets and questions it all. Yep, like in the movie; What`s it all about, Alfie? About nothing--about no-thing.

The bloody truth is I have no idea how I feel, what I feel or if I feel at all. No, I am not depressed either, even that is beyond me. I am no-thing...that is really the best term for it. And reasonless, purposeless, pointless, aimless, goal-less and worthless....and that`s about covers it for now., can`t think of any more appropriate descriptions. And we are all a bunch of crazies with a highly active imagination on the borderline of madness, some of us have already crossed the border...probably I already have a while back!


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