Friday 23 March 2012


The triumph of the `Christedness` principle of an individual whenever the divine nature wins over the flesh while in the flesh. This has been the teaching of many religion, however somehow it was always said, but never fully understood. This presence, -The Holy Spirit as it is called in Christianity,  is in everyone but the actualization of this Spirit, this universal truth is manifested in only a few.  Our understanding of our true relation to the universe and to our own divine nature, our separation from God has become an ever increasing widening chasm. Time to return.

In most sacred teaching that makes of man a god on earth was imparted at certain times of the year. Those who were prepared were shown, clear and unveiled, the great drama of the soul`s growth, and the truth concerning the mysteries of life and death that enables the aspirant henceforth to keep unbroken the thread of spiritual consciousness. This is what Jesus was talking about.; The kingdom is within. That He is always with us. 

As H. P. Blavatsky wrote:~ We may learn from the Gospels, that the `worthy` were those who had been initiated into the mysteries of the Gnosis, and who were `accounted worthy` to attain that `resurrection from the dead` in this life, . . . and the words apply to all those who, without being initiates, strive and succeed, through personal efforts to live the life and to attain the naturally ensuing spiritual illumination in blending their personality -- the `Son` with the `Father`, their individual divine Spirit, with the God within them~. 
Simply to liberate the soul -- not to remove it from the body, but so to live that the divinity of the soul may find expression in the every act we perform with body and mind. To live in a body as a Christ would-- to stamp upon it the divine nature and live, glorified, to right actions of necessary deeds. These are the teachings of Jesus that must be accomplished. 

The message of hope and the promise of attainment is the message. Now is the time to find the answers to the questions that we seek. Only when we surrender to our inner nature can we begin to hear the still small voice deep within us, and we must be able to hear and understand it when it speaks. For those who have ears, let them hear.

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