Friday 23 March 2012

Many entries and Oliver
Like these blue bubbles above, I am trying to coalesce the thoughts, ideas, philosophies in these blogs. And I truly do not hold myself out to be some great thinker or ponder of life, just a traveller on a road travelled by so many before me, with me at present time-- and so very many that will in the future. Many, who are but  still simply thoughts in the mind of God.

As I have stated before, I have many writings lying around on dusty shelves,  files, notebooks, dark corners within my computer. I am trying to search them out, and as I find some that are of relevance to my being now, so I post them, This is the reason that there are numerous entries in one day, as they come to see the light of day. somehow there is a sense of urgency to get all the things together--why I have no idea. or for what. But, do it I must almost to a point of obsession.

There are many from Oliver, who way back was gracious enough to allow me, gave me permission to use anything he has written--any where and any how, however I have never change even a word. Thus I have. Things I post from him  are what I love, that are meaningful and have touched me. His gifts are beyond measure and I know that he is valued and treasured by many.  I am in awe at many of his insights and  my appreciation to have known him is boundless. All I can say that even if it is one life one touches then it was all worth while.

Emily Dickinson comes to mind:

If can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.
Thus, many things I have forgotten, as I have changed. Some are simply irrelevant. Some ideas have changed. Some are astoundingly coincidental and pertain to our present time. --But then, is there such thing as coincidence? I think not.


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