Friday 23 March 2012

Be still

What is happening  in our external world? What is happening to our internal world? It is crying out to stop the abuse. The soul has been forgotten in the chaos of life.  It is pleading to allow it  to return to silence and stillness. It knows that stillness and silence is the place of our peace, our freedom, our wisdom our balance, our sacredness and our love.

These days it seems we are totally disconnected from the heart of the earth. Our life force is in jeopardy as it is being pulled more and more into the darkness away from the light.  We are blind to what is happening around us. Our vision is clouded, our actions are distorted and our state radically dis empowered. We are radically violating life itself--not just our own , but the entire planet. There is a vacuum where God used to dwell and materialism has taken residence within that sacred place.

One brief conscious moment of stillness is able to change all, shall change all if we allow it. One brief moment is all it takes to re-connect with our deeper self. From that moment shall  arise a spark that will become a fire of re-birth for our species--maybe this what ascension is.

 From silence, from the soul of stillness there arises the connection, the realisation, the awareness that we can begin to see all in a new light. Hear, feel, see again, the deeper truth and meaning within us, the very reason for our `being`. In this silence is the place of our unity with nature, our balance and resonance with the pulsing life force of creation --where we know and recognise our self as the one life with all, connected. 

It is time to return to what is important for our soul, our spirit and  return our self, to our divinity. Start with one moment, start today, start now--be present and conscious of life. Dwell in the peace of silence, and
 and acknowledge the sacred words: `be still and know I am God`.

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