Saturday 18 February 2012

Love or not to love?

Is it better to have loved and lost or never have loved at all ? Do we actually lose it? Nothing is ever lost once we possess it. Once we have created it. Once we brought it into existence. --
Or does it ?

This is the eternal questions; Was our love genuine or not--? We ask this after the honeymoon or a break up, especially if we were loved in return, or rather are loved in return. Genuine love-which is divine, God based, or divinely driven as it were,  is always in the present. It is ever present once found. Romantic love is physically  based,- dependent on ego. The latter is a more selfish form of reaction, as the real love is really self-less. But, the energy of the heart is always-- love.

Yes, when it is ego driven that will be lost, --but just an imagined  loss perceived by ego itself. This is because because it was forged with the ego, not the soul. It was more based on all the physical attributes rather than the spiritual. The lessons it learnt through the experience, is never lost or wasted-- whatever that may have been, we each know in our core what that is. What the needs are, or lack for the spirit for further progression into higher realms of existence.

Most times, especially soon after the events we are still blinded by raw emotion--once the smoke clears, and time passes, we see its reason for all that has happened. It may take years, but once we look back on the event almost like an observer we see that all these relationships were for our good, we seldom have regrets about them. God  always has a plan, and a purpose for all of us which is always for our benefit. Painful or otherwise. For the essence of God is pure love.

 Romantic love`s  sole purpose is always of learning, of teaching, of awakening. The soul is like a a diamond,-the more polishing, the more facets the greater the reflection of light. The facets are all results arising from the experiences of the heart. This is not just dependent on two people falling in love-- it could be in numerous  forms in which the heart is involved -- family, religion, philosophy, arts are but a few where love can express itself.

Sure, the heart is involved in all processes, as love from the heart is the actual inertia or driving force for everything. It is the actual cord by which we are connected to our Source. It is the part that can physically bring to life or awaken the spirit, that is at times far too involved in the material, and has forgotten its own divinity. It`s remembrance  that it is one with God. The purpose of earthly love,  then is always is to bring to realisation that we are divine,--that we are the very consciousness of God. Thus we are the actual image of God.

This force from the heart  is the physical expression of love itself- feelings, reactions, thoughts, ideas and needs wants, --which are physical, spiritual or emotional. These are absolutely necessary for further development of soul otherwise there is a standstill to further spiritual growth.The soul `s progress is thwarted and stagnation sets in.

Love is everything, love is God. Thus romantic love is the conduit for recognition of  genuine-divine, God based love, that gets  fused forever with the soul of the other that is involved--or rather its twin which it searches out to make it a complete whole. It is actual self realisation.

Thus, we are all one half of a whole and are in a  constant quest to find our other missing part. Our very life mission  is searching for our other self, which possesses all the traits that one half lacks.We can never be whole unless we have all the traits, all the missing parts within us.Within wholeness lies perfection, for God is perfect nothing ever lacking.

This seeking, searching out can take one life time or hundreds of lifetimes--but return to wholeness is our destiny only as a whole, expanding ourselves as well- but as we  fuse with our other self we become more than the sum of our parts, for through our earthly experience we grow,--each half is still growing within its self or is expand as well. God`s purpose for all of this is to experience His own Self and in the process grow, and expand the totality of God. That is why we are cells in a way of the Universal Mind, ever growing-and we are divine, as we are part of God, thus we are God. Akin to a fractal- we are actual exact copies of God.

Then can one un-love an other?  If the answer is yes,which is in all account an illusion, but very real to the ego only-- then that is when one feels the loss and the pain . This is ego based, which we confused with genuine-divine, God based love. This was not our other self, or twin. That becomes the actual dagger in the heart of ego, not of soul. But, it is till never lost, so-yes would be the wrong answer from soul, only from ego`s point.

 But we can neither un-love, neither can we  lose genuine love, or any love. We may confuse  infatuation, romantic love that we at the time image to be genuine--. However,  genuine love can  only be experienced once ever, for we only have one twin in all of creation. Thus, all will have to once experience this genuine-divine, God based love, for the purpose of all is wholeness and expansion.

 When we think we have lost genuine love each time we break up with a loved one, but that loss  is when we suffer from only an imaginary loss. The ego is wounded, thus we experience the pain. It was never real, it is all imaginary--as seen through the eyes of ego.They are thoughts, playing tricks on us, phantom creations of the ego.

It is this illusion of pain that seems to wounds the soul, which remains with us until we see what it truly is. It is our fragile ego responding, that is wounded in the process that we confuse with the soul. Once we realise that they are mere imaginings, or reactions of the ego, and has nothing to do with soul,  only then can we come to terms with it and the pain becomes non-existent, which was never there in the first place. This reasoning  is the actual reality, which is very far from the romantic notions of love.Thus genuine love, or romantic love never wounds the soul, but feeds it.  It can never be lost, it can only make it whole. It is all perceptions of ego that thinks it was hurt or wounded.

Genuine- divine, God based  love lies far deeper, gets rooted in the matrix of spirit, and it embeds it fuses with its partner-or rather its other self. Thus the term-eternal love. This is not romantic love, though often this is the means or  is the channel through which the genuine love energy flows. It is the very heart of that divine part within us where this love is actualised, --the part that is one with God.

But then why does he pain feels so real? So horrendous that it cannot even  be described, only experienced? This is because the heart is still involved in the process and that as well as the ego will experience pain.  But it is only an illusion, a mirage--if we understand that and allow it exhaust itself, then the pain evaporates and only the reality of genuine- divine, God based love remains.

Through the ego and heart  numerous lessons are learnt, so it was never in vain.  None of it  can ever be lost-the experience remains. That is why we always remember our romantic experiences till the day we die. Ask a hundred year old. Love in any form is the greatest of teachers. The soul needs to learn, to grow, thus is the role of the heart
Revisiting the past is seldom a good idea, without giving it sufficient time to settle down--Time is the great healer which I have learnt from my own experience. But to learn whatever needed to be learnt, one has to face it eventually head on and understand its true meaning--otherwise it keeps festering, which has destroyed many. Thus, the answer is understanding, knowing that no love in whatever form is ever in vain.

We conjure up non existent scenarios, we create havoc within ourselves, we become total alien to our own soul`s purpose.Why? Simply because of our human egocentric mind that sits on our shoulder like the devil, whispering its lies to us-confusing us about what is real and what is not. We sure do say: `if you love it set it free`-- but do we ? No. More lives have been destroyed in the name of love than all the wars have in history. Then we cry over it. Why? If it was real it is never ever lost again, if it was not, then it was a lie anyway--maybe a pleasant experience of the heart, but nothing permanent. This would be termed infatuation, even this has its advantages.There may have been certain lessons learnt, that enrich us, that help us in physical, mental and soul sphere that is an actual need for the soul to grow, enlarge and expand.  But our other self was still not found--and the quest continues.

Yes, it is always better to have loved--in any, way form at the expense of ego.

The great secret of becoming whole is that once the soul is complete it will never reincarnate ever into this earthly plane--but continues its journey into other realm, dimensions until finally it is back, within the heart of God once more.

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