Saturday 18 February 2012

Awkening of a dragon


As I was praying this morning I suddenly had an epiphany. Probably my over-soul was working overtime during the night conversing with God, and it all came together within me. Of course I have always known that, it was always there present-- but the earthly romantic notion maybe what clouded my judgement, or rather opened my soul eyes, awakened. You actually have always known, the resistance in you was stronger, I, just blind.

You have always know from the beginning, you just tried to resist it. Love broke all, tore down all the walls, --it was the crack that allowed the light to seep in as it eventually totally dispelled the darkness.

We were the exact opposites in everything and in every way. Opposites attract. However the realisation simply crystallised and took form.The abstract form has always been there, but the actual acceptance was not. I have to admit I loved also the romance of it all. But the truth is--We were both extreme in all our traits, that is why we could never live with each other, neither live without each other. Now I have incorporated all your traits into my being, as I know you have mine--thus out of all this mix, our `one complete soul`emerged, as it was original from the day of our creation.

Thus our work, our togetherness now works together in the higher realms, within spirit, in an other space, in an other reality or maybe dimension. That is the gift we receive for our love of our Blessed Mother. And I see that Stefi would never have been any good for you for you  at all. You were both exactly alike, in every way.

Why we searched each other out because by coming together we  have achieved total balance. This is not a romantic notion but a spiritual one. Of completeness. That the reason for that 11th commandment. We were were thrown into the mixer so to speak,  and now we are that mix, yet separate in this world. That is why we shall not come back into this life again. The work is done-- Mary new exactly what she was saying when She said that.

As I think of the `Dragon Chronicle` blog is is as clear as day how very different we were  in every way, however not any more. It was not one lesson to be learnt, but the lessons are innumerable--certainly mind boggling when you dissect our character only, plus all the other areas. You saw this always, but also resisted to accept it, but because of love you did,  as I did. Mine was more through the romantic version, your`s through the spiritual version--but the common denominator was love. Yes, we always have said in scores of our post on all the Yahoo sites--love, love, love. God is love and all that and all that. But, they were empty words. Just a philosophical grand expression. The realty of it --we said it, never did it.

That is why you were always wandering how it could have happened because Jan is also an Aries. But it is much more complex than that, being a certain astrological sign is just a very small part. Through love we were able to look at is square in the face and finally accept it, once we did that--like as if by magic we were out of each others earthly lives, especially with reference to those missing characteristics--let~s call them updates. Perhaps we shall come together once more, but in a totally different fashion. That is still the secret in the heart Our Lady.

It was all those cards, notes, conversations romance that made acceptance possible--they; every word led us one step closer to incorporating the others trait into, or rather within our`complete soul`. It could have never have happened otherwise--those were the enticing, luring moments of God whispering to us, for us to become all those missing parts, or maybe the word is not missing, but coming `into balance`. We all have had `all`, we have `everything` now-- but it is all balance, harmony, unison that is completion--Now we are complete. The cycle is closed.-- Wholeness has been achieved. Not and end but a new beginning..

 Do you see? I am sure you can, you have long before I ever did.

We are one soul yet two halves, yet one whole. We are the same, yet different.We are one, yet we are two.
We live two lives, yet parallel events. One coin yet two sides. I am, me yet you are you, yet we are one.
 We, are strange creatures indeed. Enigma of the ages, The soul of dragons-One with all that there is
                                           -existing in balance, unison and harmony-
                                                - inter changeable and fluid-

These blogs on this site are all about  the past,  present as well as thoughts about the future. Also things that have touched me, that I hold dear. About my philosophy, dreams hopes--Poets, writers, philosophers whose words I love. Myths, magic as well as reality.

This is--a diary of spirit, that I shall be able to re-visit anytime, as often we so quickly forget. It is not love lost or regained, but as life gets expressed in its various hues from moment to moment.

New age, old age, as well as soul memories. It is all about the life of the soul. About individual existence. It is about life, death and loss. It is only living those experiences are we able to grow and flourish, though  these times and experiences can be both extremely joyous or tremendously painful.

The new journey of, I AM Suzanne, Red Dragon

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