Friday 29 November 2019

Awakening of soul

I think we as humans are at this point in creation are all in a state of awakening-I mean everybody. We are however in slightly different degrees of consciousness-some more aware, some a little. But , these are the times of change in every way on the planet. We all know it, we all feel it . As the Chinese proverb says-”When the student is ready, the teacher appears”. We are all ready on our ascent up to the spiritual worlds. Yes, there is more than one. It is not a sudden change, but a gradual process that started around  1989. The Mayans, Hopi Indians and many ancients and sacred writings speak of this. No-it is not the end, on the contrary-the beginning of an entire new life that is enfolding for the whole of humanity. A new paradigm has surfaced-the old is falling away. These are exciting times.

There definitely comes a time in one`s life when new horizons materialize- thus it is for me. There is a spiritual re-birth or rather awakening as one starts to see the light more clearly, and the reasons behind all that “is”. Every soul goes through this, be it an ancient soul, or a young one-the accumulation of knowledge and wisdom of many life times are now being utilized. We are all progressing up the ladder towards eternity, towards  the Creator-to be one with the light, one with God. Now is the moment for many of us as we take our initial steps into the “first” upper spiritual worlds. One`s material life, which was for numerous lifetimes just an exercise in existence only, like treading water, now suddenly seems like its being filled with a new energy. A tiny spark of “something”-which has suddenly caught fire in one`s soul. Its purpose and reason which in the past was deeply hidden, suddenly now seems to have a clear purpose and goal.

This is rather an interesting and frightening phenomena which occurs in us-as we actually see life in panorama- the whole picture. At a certain point in existence the soul gains a certain wisdom and recognizes the actual eternal “truth” . It is perhaps a recognition of contrasts, or maybe similarities within creation and how very much we are one part of a whole -all inter connected. Through shedding parts of the ego a special point in the heart awakens, which in the past was quite indiscernible-and all falls into place. This is really the last gasps of ego-that clings so very much to the material aspect of our being-and there is  a form of death to the idea of “individual separation”. 

Strange-in a blink of an eye, all can change. One could call it “the aha moment”. What was important is no longer is, what one didn`t understand suddenly makes sense, and our daily needs and wants are no longer the priorities. The world seems to be bathed in a different spiritual light to which we were blind to before-which one`s spirit now craves to feel and understand further.

Everything and everyone seems entirely different. The stress of life seems to be washed away and an all encompassing peace envelops one`s whole being. One feels like being in a state of grace filled with entire joy, bliss and happiness. There is a feeling that we are existing within the Creator-not apart but completely one with Him. There arises a deep feeling of connectedness and gratefulness towards all of creation- a feeling of total oneness all filled with light and radiance. There is total love for everything and everyone which seems to spring from a special place from the heart. John O`Donohue calls this feeling ”coming home”.

 I now have come to understand exactly what he was saying. It is said in many spiritual, sacred and esoteric writings that eventually all of humanity-all souls, will go through theses certain steps to reach the upper worlds, one just needs to see with spiritual eyes and hear the voice of the Creator-who is pure love.

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