Tuesday 24 September 2019

Here am I. Send me...

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At times one has far too much to say-at times nothing and at times there is a gridlock in one`s brain as there are so many ideas that want to escape and just cannot. Perhaps this is because I haven`t written in ages-the few post I posted today, were from my other blogs-but I have to write something today as I am compelled to get something on these pages. But what, but what? So much....there is so much wanting to cascade out of my brain.

The quote from the Bible comes to my mind, I heard it in a movie the other night-and it triggered something in very ancient in me and made me come to certain conclusions. But then again-there are no coincidences, are there? God speaks to us through various ways-we just need to listen and hear. The quote is a great reminder and exercise for re-evaluating life as one passes through the passages of the years.

Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

This brought many images to my mind-and subliminal messages perhaps. I have been pre-occupied with “the nothings” of life the past while. So, I have consciously disengaged myself from the trivialities-or rather the flotsam and jetsam of life. Time to focus on the more important things-like spirit and life of the soul; but above all of what little good one maybe able to do. Time passes far too quickly-day after day flies away at the speed of light; and often one hasn`t much to show for it. Each day is a gift, filled with grace and one treats is as just being simply a unit of time, just ordinary-waiting expectantly for the next day, and not recognizing the magic of the present. Nothing ever experienced is ever lost-so one need not harp on the past, it all had its season in the sun, the way it is, is the way it needs to be.

I have come such a long way-that it actually astounds me-I mean in my life. So many changes, so many experiences, so many wonders, so many miracles especially the past four years have come my way. A true metamorphosis in every way-physically, spiritually and mentally I have changed and I feel totally free. I live within the presence of mindfulness, of prayer and of blessedness. I have reach a place where I am just filled with joy, happiness and bliss each moment and above all gratefulness every second. I have no idea why I have been endowed with this gift- I really do not deserve it, but the Blessed Mother rules my life-I am sure that what it is.

But-where to now? Where do I need to be sent? Where? I have searched my mind-a few people have entered my life lately, who have have exited many years ago. I wonder why that is. Probably a sign. Thus-I do see the way ahead of me and where I am actually needed badly. True I see only few yards ahead - as Thomas Merton said, the rest I leave up to God in whom I place all my trust.

So I leave this page with a message to whom ever reads it. Take control of your life.  Live each day with vision and hope. Be yourself. Allow spirit. Allow God. Allow grace. Be brave, be courageous, be honorable, be honest, be mindful, be grateful and do all out of love wanting nothing in return. Say with an open heart “Here am I. Send me”. And it will be done, one day at a time. Each day is a new chance  to be of service. Make that your mission– and so it is.

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