Wednesday 30 January 2019

Letter to a friend

Short letter to a friend, who had a question for me about a lost love-was it real or not. Not that I am an expert, but this is what my soul whispers.

Dear Mariah-You ask is it is it still love. Yes. It is all in the heart and soul. As with everything, we simply have the memories that live on within us. So, Mariah, nothing that was ever leaves us, they merely take a short trip till the next time. Souls come in and out of our lives at various points-they touch us in certain ways, in certain circumstances-for all meetings be it long or short all have a spiritual reason.

You see Mariah, the connection that you have had often is termed ”soul recognition” by a wonderful Irish spiritual philosopher called John O`Donohue. You see, we have different reasons or let`s say, connections to each other at a soul level. We have “twin souls”-that means that we have a connection of some soul mission that we have to accomplish together. Then we have “soul friends-“where we are connected because of some past event, some past lifetimes and we are of benefit in each others progress. Then we have “twin flames”-which are two parts of one “divine spark”. Now, Twin souls, soul friends we can have many, like a family-but twin flames only one in all eternity.

When God created souls-it was something like “the big bang”, God –the great Eternal Consciousness exploded and myriads of sparks burst into creation-each spark part of Divine Consciousness; part of God, almost like a very “cell” of the Creator. Each spark then broke into two-they are two parts of a whole. The mission of each soul is to find its other part and navigate back to its creator.

Now this takes numerous, at times thousands of lifetimes in fact-as there are many lessons that the soul has to learn-it has to be polished like a diamond on it journey back to “source”, it has to grow. There is no time in creation. Thus, sometimes we never come into contact with our counterpart in one life time at all-but at times we do. This is the gift of grace, a gift of pure love from God, allowing us to get a glimpse of our true mission, of our true nature thus giving us hope.

However, until all our other missions in creation is done-which is expanding God`s love, light, compassion, forgiveness, mercy, gratefulness-free of judgements, criticism, understanding of all towards every aspect of creation fully and with total acceptance –until that is done in all honesty and with a pure heart, till then we are marking time, and are stuck. Also in this process we ourselves, soul-wise expand further, thus in affect God grows, as we are part of God. Till then we just meet on and of with our “twin flame”. Once both our missions are done on earth then we navigate back to Source/ Universal Consciousness/God, then we join up with our twin-flame and become one and merge back into the heart of God/Divine Consciousness never to return to human life ever.

Now-one maybe 16, 36, 76 or a 106 years of age-for soul has no age-that one may recognize one`s twin flame. Thus God gives us hope, and it is sort of a glimpse of a panoramic scenery of the soul and its travels though many lifetimes, as it tries to navigates back to Him. Thus dear Mariah, the whole purpose of our existence is to find our twin flame-and join up eventually-and spread love and light in our wake-for without that we are anchored in the physical. The only way to break through is with love-and this love is called “agape” by the Greeks. It is not “eros”, erotic love, but a deep spiritual soul love for all of creation.

So dear Mariah, be happy that you have had a glimpse of your twin flame-you will meet up for sure-for your soul knows. But if it is merely strictly a physical, romantic attraction- if the latter exists then it is not your twin flame, maybe a twin soul-I have no idea only you can say. Our twin flames come in and out of our lives through many lifetimes, some meetings are great, some are very painful, however it does not mean they are not our twin flames-for it is all only existential time, as time is really an illusion. And problems of the soul needs to be worked out between each other before further continuing with our quest. Thus having said that-we all have much to look forward to—for we are all guaranteed a joining with our twin flames-blessings, love and light to you dear Mariah.

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