Tuesday 18 December 2018

Musings on love

Image result for moon glow
Profound questions.  Would you know if someone you have loved deeply is no longer in this world? Would you know that they have left this earthly existence? Would you feel the lack of their presence? Would you feel them beside you? Would you actually know that they are gone? Would you lack their energy? Would you crave their light? Would you have regrets of things you should have done, should have said ? Would you think of them often, more so then before? Would you miss their physical presence? And that most profound, spiritual question-are they really gone? Or are they still present? These philosophical questions haunt the human soul-be it consciously or unconsciously. Incomprehensible to accept annihilation of that which was filled with that divine spark, that energy that is life may cease to exist forever.

So many things comprise love-don`t they? We often come to terms with it once we have lost the one that we should have cherished. No one bad word is ever said at a funeral, only good. Why is that? Why can`t we cherish the present value what we have, accept the love offered to us through grace? All these questions plaque my mind as I recall the people I love-even the ones whom are gone. For love is always in the present tense, never in the past.

Love can never be undone, if we truly loved. If it does unwind, it never was. Some connections that seem like love are simply a mirage of love-for we so desire it that we actually see it, feel it, smell it. Our desire is so strong in wanting love that we create all the imaginings of our soul-for love is the flower of the heart and the fruit of the soul. Spirit creates what is not there-for the desire is so strong that it overcomes its limitations to see the truth. It sees that which never was.  But then the question is-which of these things are true-none or all?  
Am I a butterfly dreaming  that I am man, or am I man dreaming that I am butterfly. The eternal question-is all in this world reality or illusion –which is the real world that we inhabit? Food for thought-however what gives me solace is that no energy ever ceases it only transforms and goes on. Including consciousness.

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