Tuesday 11 September 2018

Wednesday-5th September/18

Image result for belgian sheep dog
 For Emese!

Sometimes stuff just happens-you hear something, see something  in some way and  it completely transforms your life. It touches you in the depths of your soul, your heart starts beating faster and suddenly out of the well of sadness answers arrive-or perhaps questions that one can answer. Thus the past week has been kind of a crossroad that I have arrived at rather painfully-an end, but that always leads one to a new beginning. Waking up. Ah, yes-September #9 in numerology. Endings-wisdom and initiation. New energy-light coming up next month, #10. But, #9 has the highest vibrational frequency apart from the master numbers. Yes, I do have #33 in my path. 

Choices we make in life that we have to live with are often hard to make, yet at times life just simply offers it to us in a serendipitous encounter. What happened, is a very sorrowful moment now for me in time. Thus I shall not reveal what happened-non  the less, life has changed and shook me back into realization that everything comes to an end once. At times I seem to forget my own favourite quote; “nothing is permanent but change”.  And no, it is not a man. I have said it many times before but it is now that I truly see life with eyes of spirit.

I have always been very good at making lists of things I want to do, generally at night-the next morning it is hard to accomplish or follow it up with action-something like going to the health club, keeping to a diet, organizing things, saying those daily affirmations  or mantras above all keeping to the plan, living through mindfulness completely. But-one needs to plan the work and work the plan –at this I needed a few hard lessons-thus I have arrived –walking backwards from hence I started-as you so plainly said in one of your blogs, “my other self”. Remember?

Time waits for no man-just yesterday it seems I was a mere child, yet now my child has children. So where does that leave me? Well, leads me to action, to a purpose, to my goal-merely recognizing, seeing  my dharma crystal clear.  All those "should haves, could haves, would haves" have come home to roost.

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