Sunday 26 August 2018


Image result for forests and wildflowers
Whatever  one is into-be in it completely. Not just “half assed”-for otherwise it makes no sense, is a waste of time . So, mindfulness is special gift that we can unitize. But do we? Not too often-our consumption with stuff, stress and social media eats up all our time with nonsensical ideas and expectations. Beauty, sacredness and God are most often sidelined-and by the time one realizes what was really important in life one lies on one`s death bed. Am I morbid? No . I am just looking at reality in the eyes as so many people don`t. Including myself at times-so this is sort of a reality check for me; a wake up call for the millionth time.

I mean-be that a hobby, a sport, or love-be it completely and with total mindfulness. The thing with love and emotions are very nourishing for the spirit and soul, no matter how it works out in the end-be it a comedy or a tragedy-all that matters is that we were given once chance at life; to experience and be totally mindful of the moment. Well-to think about it realistically-probably many chances, but each one is a different model; so the Hindu or Buddhist religion say-many lives of different experiences.

Mindfulness is a practise and as one gets deeper into it, the more beautiful all appears, more vibrant and meaningful. Everything passes-thus to obsess, complain and agonize over anything is meaningless, just wasting precious time.

Walking through the forest has taught me so much-I see and notice things, hear things I never did before. Song of the birds, it is never quite-yet it is the music of peace and tranquillity. The myriads of wild flowers, the sound of the river flowing over the rocks, the fragrance of the moss covered trees . I am  even conscious of the sound of my very own footsteps as my foot touches sacred Gaia.

So being in love is not simply between a two humans, but being in love with all of creation, with life with total, complete passion-being in love with God, being one with God. A friend of mine described his NDE  after returning as thus-“I had a feeling of being  a cell of God” We can experience this without facing death-in the present every moment-by being mindful.

Each morning I feel  a deep realization of the presence of the divine in all-and my heart is filled with gratefulness that I am allowed to experience this awesome creation and that I am actually conscious about it-as so often we are not.  No prayers needed, the deep gratitude and joy that I feel is the prayer.

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