Monday 27 August 2018


Image result for lelahel
The mind is a strange piece of equipment-I was thinking the other day that through the past 25 years...actually probably all my life, since forever I have been interested in the mysterious. I suppose one is born that way. I have been into so many interesting areas, dabbled in all sorts of esoteric stuff, strange and the weird-the paranormal, different religions, practices as well as the occult –from Azrael to Zoroaster and everything in between; yet if one dosn`t practice it, it gets lost; but just like a computer one single tiny reminder and it all seems to come back. True-only partly, but one is able to follow it up, and in time all bubbles to the surface and it all comes back-so in a sense nothing is ever lost only hidden.

It is so wonderful that one can bookmark things on the computer, and at times I go through it-I probably have at least well over 800-probably more. Sounds crazy I know, but I am  a crazy sort and my mind manages to go in numerous directions at times-I an blessed to be able to step out of the box, as well as stay in reality. Yes I am an enigma of sorts in all areas of my life. I only watch science fiction or period pieces-be it historical, fantasy, mythology or fiction on screen which many find strange. This has frightened a few people who have touched my life-especially some of my romantic connections.

There was a time when I deleted  some bookmarks, but I find it very valuable as I go though the passages of my life. Each one is unique and special-each has some lesson that I learnt or should have learnt. The “should haves” often return in different forms and versions-so I am nudged and reminded gently from the “universe” or more so from God to re-connect more with my angel; Lelahel.

This morning for some reason I was reminded about the 72 angels or names of God from the Kabbalah -3 verses from the Book of Exodus in the Old Testament which contains 72 letters, thus 72 angels. We all have an angel that rules our birth time-according to date. There was a time when I used to talk to my angel-Lelahel-whom is in the order of the Seraphim
They are guardians before God's throne-the highest order of angels, referred to as "the fiery spirits", they are usually pictured with six wings and flames.  They constantly sing God's praise and regulate heaven.  They are colored a flaming red and gold to symbolize fire.  God's grace flows through the seraphim to the angels below, dispelling darkness and purifying the universe.  Satan emerged from this order before his fall from Grace, he was considered the angel who outshone all others. 

There are 9 celestial orders: Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels and angels. They all have specific "jobs" to do for God. Each "guardian angel" also has a specific time when they are most potent –and one is able to access their energy. Lelahel is most potent to access or rather invoke between  2.40 am -3am, thus those times are very important in the communication. He is very important in acquiring wisdom and curing diseases-his attribute is "Praiseworthy God".

Also on –it is a most beautiful site; there are the angels of the hour-8 of them that rule the 24 hour day-I often do the morning angel-Lauds. It really makes  one`s day special, holy and filled with the presence of God.

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