This is the exact icon that I have-minus the flash.
Just outside my verandah, here-there once many years ago there was a tiny fish pond, now filled in with soil-now it is part of the house, as there is a deck on top. It is made into a genuine looking grotto-with all natural granite stone, with a rounded top, like an alcove-the floor of it covered with piles of beautiful grey large pebbles. It looks like part of a beautiful natural cave-no; we did not make it, the contractor did before who renovated the house did. Why? Reason unknown. Maybe for me, specially. Maybe he had this message from beyond that I am a Marion catholic-not too much of a church going one-but a praying one, with a very deep devotion to Mary. Yep-rosary often.
Just outside my verandah, here-there once many years ago there was a tiny fish pond, now filled in with soil-now it is part of the house, as there is a deck on top. It is made into a genuine looking grotto-with all natural granite stone, with a rounded top, like an alcove-the floor of it covered with piles of beautiful grey large pebbles. It looks like part of a beautiful natural cave-no; we did not make it, the contractor did before who renovated the house did. Why? Reason unknown. Maybe for me, specially. Maybe he had this message from beyond that I am a Marion catholic-not too much of a church going one-but a praying one, with a very deep devotion to Mary. Yep-rosary often.
I have just recently got
round to thinking about it, and that I need to do something about this
place-which has been set up here for some purpose-which had escaped me. I decided
that I should buy a Mary statue online-but some of them are so tacky-I wanted
just a simply white one, or even a modern version-just a it is simply a reminder,
not a fact about Mary-I found one. A large one 53” very cheap-$80.00. I was so
excited-so I told my daughter to order it online-so she did. The following day
she calls-“Mom-that statue of Mary, the one you wanted-they made a mistake-it
is $800.00”
I laughed-“Oh well, I
certainly will not pay that much I told her, I shall improvise-or make one
myself somehow or come up with something –She will know what to do”- She did.
The following day I
visited our local Salvation Army Thrift store-I love that place, you never know
what you will find for a buck. I did-not a statue but a beautiful Greek orthodox icon-20” x 16”-copy naturally . Truly was a
magical find for $ 4.99-I also bought some beautiful real looking artificial flowers and
greens to place within the confines of the grotto-as I do have a lot of living plants
at the entrance. I strongly doubt that the live ones could exist by
candlelight. I am sure She dosn`t mind-it is the thought that counts.
The grotto looks just
amazing, just awesome-one tea light candle always burning in a lantern below
her. –I will take a photo of it –not today, it is already dark-I will post it
here or my FB page. Her icon is placed on a huge drift wood that I dragged back
to Canada from the island of Tobago in a huge black garbage bag-at the time, my
dear friend Melba thought I was crazy. But now it has found a perfect spot to
be holding Mary.
I have a garden chair by
the entrance and huge shell on the
ground-and each time I say the rosary, I place a pebble in it-there quite a few
in there already. I set this up-about 12 days ago-I should have made note-but I
didn`t. The rosaries don`t count exactly-as I have missed a day or two.
I feed my raccoon friends
daily-three of them and an opossum every night-so I did the other night as I always do, 5 days ago. I opened my glass
door, and as I did this a very strong, beautiful
scent hit me. A wonderful fragrance of lilacs I thought. This is what immediately
came to my mind, though we have no scented flowers in the garden at this time
at all. So go figure. No…I did not imagine it. It happened-the following
evening –there is was once more, but very faintly-and now non-existent. Go
figure-think whatever you may-but as God is my witness this happened. A great reminder from Her to me-but then I place everything into Her Blessed Hands.
Visions, visitations, apparitions are all personal, unique experiences-no one can prove or disprove it-it is all a matter of belief, faith and personal relationship with God-neither has one to be a holy person, neither a pious person for goodness is not really reflected on the outside, but as how one relates to others, to creation and to the universe. Science-nor the Vatican, nor any other institution will ever prove the existence of God-for that is impossible; now or ever, or an existence of a higher cosmic power-so whatever one believes so it is.
Visions, visitations, apparitions are all personal, unique experiences-no one can prove or disprove it-it is all a matter of belief, faith and personal relationship with God-neither has one to be a holy person, neither a pious person for goodness is not really reflected on the outside, but as how one relates to others, to creation and to the universe. Science-nor the Vatican, nor any other institution will ever prove the existence of God-for that is impossible; now or ever, or an existence of a higher cosmic power-so whatever one believes so it is.
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