Tuesday 4 April 2017


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Rain. I love it. It is raining rather heavily today-and it is dark and gloomy-and I can never get enough of it.  I just love rain and dark, cloudy days, probably more than sunny days that are often overpowering. Ever since I can remember I always have loved rainy days. The richness of the rain somehow gives me a sense of security, a feeling of being totally safe for some strange reason. Being cleansed and healed is the feeling I receive from our daily struggles that we each one face. I just adore the wonderful sound pattering on the roof, the reflections of light on the puddles in the street and watching our beautiful small river growing into a huge swirling, raging river twice its size-and twice its speed as it races towards Lake Ontario. I just love this place with all my heart. 

I recall that Thomas Merton had similar sentiments-and wrote numerous references about rain it in his journal entries more than once, except he said it or rather written about it more eloquently. He too loved rains and storms and the solitude that it brought him. He wrote ”the presence of God invades me then”-he would call this a “startling metaphor”. It is true-I feel similarly especially being out of the city, and close to nature. I feel so blessed to experience this awesome, beautiful environment and witnessing this life giving event for Gaia.

I am sure I would love the English weather-rain and the fog. One can just hide and be very inconspicuous and just be engaged in one`s secret thoughts with a cup of warm coffee-and get embraced by a sense of comfort. Strange how we react to certain elements of nature.

Secret thoughts, yearnings, longing. Yes- we all have them, all those hidden, mysterious thought we keep to ourselves-that these times just bubble to the surface. Funny that so many thoughts we never divulge to no one-those are the ones that come to my mind on days like this.

Once a long time ago , I used to say to someone whom I loved deeply whenever it rained to remember  –that “each rain drop carries a kiss from me to you”.  I remember my declaration every time it rains-some statements are embedded in the soul. True.

So-today is days for thoughts, of reminiscence and revisiting sweet memories. As the mind wanders to places long forgotten and dreams long lost. I once read a quote, I forget by whom ”I love walking in the rain for then nobody sees that I am crying”-it is like that sometimes with the human heart.

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