Thursday 16 March 2017


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Human nature is never satisfied, whatever life hands us. If we have lots of time on our hands-that’s a problem, and also if we have no time. We are such complainers. So where is the balance? I think we like variety in everything-eating cake all day gives us indigestion, then eating caviar bores us and steak makes us yearn for fruit. So-what is it really that we want? A little of everything-not too much sun, not too much stormy weather, not too much snow –all just enough.

Same with relationships. We can have too much romance, or too little. I think when God created the universe-His main purpose was to create balance in everything, as well as within us. I feel that this is really the major reason why we are seldom happy-I don`t mean always, but certainly we complain a lot about many things . Our tendency is to always look up-at everything be that people , lifestyles or anything else-we are never filled or satisfied with our own lot. WE fail to see how very blessed we are.

This sadly-leads to lot of heartache and dissatisfaction of our lives. Often when we are in a wonderful relationship-we get bored, we wander off and seek other “hunting grounds”, so to speak and eventually in the end we realize that the original one that we allowed to slip through our fingers was really the most valuable one of all. Often it is too late, and we become “martyrs of life”-always seeking that which we have lost.

I have been in that situation-but I often have backtracked, and the good thing about this exercise is that one realizes that that situation wasn`t really made in heaven as we had envisioned. This is always a great blessing when God allows  us that opportunity-for then one can allow the past to flow away-and just remember the good things associated with that relationship.

This is also a great reason not to break up a relationship in anger and hate, for later in life it allows us an other opportunity to revisit the situation with new eyes. Some relationships are only meant for a while, some longer, some for years-and some for the rest of our lives. This has happened to me –and I am so grateful for it allows all the trauma, grief pain that love relationships cause to dissipate; and in a way have the person in ones life still, perhaps as a loving friend.

I suppose this can only happen if we have just a few serious relationships that have touched our lives-not if one has numerous ones like the song goes every day a new one but “never on Sunday” Thank God-I never was in that category-so most of the relationships were very special for me-and with 99% of the people involved I am still in touch with, and even spend time with. I am very lucky and blessed, as I really feel good about it, because we have a past and some wonderful memories and often-which is a wonderful human trait, we tend to forget the more painful ones.

The way I look at it-everything and everyone has a place in the universe for us-either for us to learn from, or to teach or help each other on our journey. Life is not forever-so why waste it with much negativity-all and everything is for a reason. All relationships are for a reason-so be it long or short; just enjoy it.

Happiness consists of moments, of special events of togetherness and love. Never cling onto the past-allow it to leave-for always something else turns up-as for me. I am so grateful for the way my life is-I am loved, and love and no matter what happens in the end this , the “now” is worth all. Then if God decides to change His mind, I am sure he will have a better plan for me-but for now, “all is well”. 

Yes-we all have dark days-but when one is loved it just lifts like the morning mist, for love changes everything in an instant when you see that smiling face that loves you and assures you saying: “bella, sweetheart things will be just fine-trust me”. And –it always is. Moral of the story -always value and treasure what you have, for you never know how long you will have it for-life turns on a dime.

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