Saturday 18 February 2017

Unified field

Image result for energy fields
There is a lot of research being done regarding  what is called a “unified field of energy”. This simply an energy field through, or in which we are all connected with and within this field .  This is not new thinking nor a new theory-but it is s controversial concept still in science. When a certain number of people come together, and they choose in a moment of time to create a precise emotion, in their hearts, that emotion literally, can influence, the very fields that sustain life on Earth. This is also how the power of “prayer or intention“ work. Thus the saying that “what we do unto others, we do unto ourselves”, is a true statement indeed-for everyone , every living thing is connected-there is no separation.  

As we awaken, we are becoming more conscious and aware of this field around us-we are within it.  Also we ourselves have a specific field-and it varies in strength, intensity to some degree. The body fields of "more enlightened" humans like, saints, avatars are said to be extending out many miles-this field round the human body is called in spiritual practice as the "merkabah".  All the fields are interconnect, interact and interfere with each other-within the context of the large "unified fields". These fields are now implicated in everything from the immune response of humans, throughout the planet, climate, weather patterns, cycles of war, in peace, our abilities to solve problems, our cognitive abilities. However, all of these as different as they sound from one another are all linked to our relationship to the magnetic fields of the earth.

So what makes this so beautiful is that every human on the planet is linked to the field, but not every human on the planet has to be consciously aware of their relationship to benefit from what a relatively few number of people come to understand. But-we all can understand this if we chose to do so-all is needed is an open, receptive mind.

And the bottom line is this, that when we choose to feel feelings that create what we call coherence in our bodies. Coherence is the language, the quality of the language between our heart and our brain.

Certain kinds of heart based experiences, such as appreciation, gratitude, forgiveness, care, compassion, those are the ancient understandings that have always been taught in the truest traditions of our past and now our own science is finding those same traditions are documenting this very real effect within our hearts.When we can feel those feelings in our bodies, they are mirrored in the field and everyone benefits from the experience of relatively few.

All we have to do is our own inner work, to practice love, compassion, gratitude and to be consciously aware that when we do fall out of alignment with our true self, we let go gracefully of our ego and fears to find our balance again. We are all well aware, from experiences giving and receiving, that our energy can effect ourselves and others in a positive or negative way.

Try and live life always in coherence, in harmony, in balance-this is the law of creation. Though this we shall –as humans, be able to achieve the highest form of energy vibration, which is love and light. 

We are all creations of God-all emerged from same place, we are all connected-especially at a quantum level. Great wisdom is to recognize this energy, which is small part of divinity within us, within life, within creation. We need to be aligned with this energy-accept it, realize it and treat it as sacred.

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