Friday 17 February 2017


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The human thinking is so very limited in every way. Fortunately, it is slowly changing its outlook , away from Newtonian thinking-to more of quantum thinking. Every change in history was difficult, but it is even so with the human mind. It mind needs physical proof, physical answers-the spirit does not-so live from spirit.  Our out look is very limited-any change is opposed. All the mind does is look back and form opinions about the past, and project its thinking on those assumptions into the future.  Its difficult to step out from the box-and to force it to “think for itself”.

Suspending all the assumptions that is based on the past needs a different type of thinking. We have to leave history behind -be that “personal history”, or ”human history“, and not allow future decisions, thinking to be based on those experiences.  For-if to one keeps doing the same, behaving the same we, one gets the same results. So, do something completely different. Just try it. This will also wake up your brain, that is bogged down in the old-and new neuro pathways get to be formed, irrespective of your age-you will actually growing “younger”. Old is living in the old energy and according to the old energy.

We doggedly hold onto the old. Why? One word “safety”. It is real scary to step into the unknown. Always  when I think of this, immediately the  story of  the allegorical story of “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” comes to my mind. Most of us are gripped  with fear just at the mere mention of “change”. One may feel safe in the old, this put tremendous limitations on ourselves. To transcend one`s own self one needs to suspend all beliefs, step over limitations and boldly try new things, new thinking, new ideas-no matter how strange how over the norm . Yes-all is possible but not without some risk of stepping into the great abyss of the unknown.

Our mind through evolution has been programmed to always take the safest route, to choose safety-for stepping out of the box has many dangers. Being in the crowd, being in the tribe, thinking like the tribe  gives us the feeling being “warm and fuzzy”, but above all acceptance. We all want to be accepted, be wanted and loved. Mavericks are not welcome for a number of reasons. They tend to upset the norm, they make us look in the mirror and face our true selves, but above all they make us uncomfortable by making us ask some real questions –and we certainly don`t want to do that.

So-we stay in the old, happily and stupidly ignorant-living in the same rut from day to day. Yes we all will die, but at least we should die taking some risks, having some adventure and experiencing “the good the bad and the ugly” of life. If we do not-at the end we shall have all forms of regret, about the “would haves, could haves and should haves”. Yes-failure is hard and painful, but so is just being ordinary-we are all exceptional, but to bring it out needs work. As is said in “The greatest Salesman in the World”-one needs to live like an olive tree, not like the simple onion-whose lifespan is but a few weeks, where as the majestic olive lives hundreds of years. Be like an olive tree.

The only remedy is look at everything with open eyes, with an open acceptable heart. All things are possible that the mind can conceive-even if it seems strange, weird unbelievable, it just maybe so. It just is so. Yes at times one will get frustrated, angry and want to give up. Don`t, for it is all worth it in the end.

If we do not do this, then we put limitations on everything-especially our spirit.  We are only limited by our own selves-by our restricted, constricted thinking. Through changing of our thinking, letting things that hinder us go-especially the past, and living with pure intention. One can let go of all the restrictions of the mind-and be no longer earth bound- and fly.

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