Monday 6 February 2017

Stop, Look, Go

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I have said this a thousand times-maybe more :”there are no coincidences only synchronicity”-to make a long story short, the same set of instructions were conveyed to me three times today-in different ways and through various people. The point was-life itself. Actually the mystery of life and to be aware of it, be grateful for it-for at times we forget, as we are far to busy or worry about tomorrow-and by-pass the present of presence.

I have not been to the ”Gratefulness” site in a while; I am ashamed, for there was a time, not that long ago that never was a day when a candle wasn`t burning-I made a personal vow to be focused and be present and be gratefully aware, for that what those candles do. Well, they also are –like incense-the flame journeys our prayers to God, metaphorically. I know-God is not above, below or out there but within. However lightening a candle  isn`t that difficult a task-as they do burn for 48 hours-so to add a few words of gratitude every 2 days, is no major feat or great works of spirituality.

But-through this effort I was reminded by Br. David Steindl-Rast-that "the mystic is not a special human being. Every human being is a special kind of mystic". I was also reminded of his three steps to grateful living-that partly is from Echart Tolle: ”Stop, Look, Go”. These steps allows us to realize and appreciate the mystery that life is-allowing life to move us deep into spirit, to be in personal touch with that mystery.

Stop: means actually stopping the anxieties, fears, stresses and the chaos of life. We need to slow down. We are always in a hurry-we never have time for anything and in the process forget to live. We become prisoners of an unfulfilled life. Sure-we may have material gain, but are we congruent with life itself? Are we connected to it – the “my self” which is part of all of existence and the “I”, -is it one or two-are they separate from each other? Giving permission for them to work in tandem-for it is like two hands, but still one body. The pace of modern life has made us very egocentric and that creates fear.

Look: is being actually aware of what is around us-seeing it all in its detail, in technicolor and magnified. If we do that we see all things in a wider angle, in a panoramic scope. We, in a sense need to step out and observe our self within the situation-see things in a totally different light. Often-we see, and hear nothing. We have to open ourselves to the moment-and hear what life has to say to us. What life is asking from us. Simply allow what spirit is whispering- allow and trust in our “divine self” whom resides in God. All and everything resides in the Creator.

Go: is taking action, in whatever form is needed. Without action life is static-we get stuck. Do every action with an open heart, gratefulness, compassion, empathy and love. Whatever the outcome of any situation; be it positive or negative-later on one always realizes, that even out of sorrow and pain arises joy and happiness. So, appreciate all and let us be grateful.

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