Wednesday 8 February 2017

Mental illness?

I was doing some research on “paranoia personality disorder” regarding a patient, and through my hunt I have looked into some other personality disorders, as well as “autism spectrum disorder”. I have come to the conclusion that we all have symptoms of some psychiatric disorder to some degree-there is a spectrum  of all the disorders into which we fall.  But the question is which is real, and which is actually a disease? By this I mean maybe some people can see angels, spirits ghost-and hear real voices in their head. I have come to think , that often all these disorders are tied into several spiritual and emotional sensitivity-and maybe something real is happening on other dimensional levels that we today still do not understand. Perhaps they can tune in to different wavelengths, different "stations" like on a radio-catch and identify more subtle energies. 

Let me interject here-that there are some real crazy people out there, with serious mental diseases, but not all of them are thus who are diagnosed-I believe it is only a very small percentage who are really sick.

For example; “the indigos” are one group who seem to manifest often strange mental as well as physical symptoms. An other a little further down the spectrum are the one`s with  “Asperger`s syndrome”-often "indigos" have "Asperger`s"as well. I believe “autism spectrum disorder” falls into this area of "maybe they are just an other type of soul?"-category.Well, if we believe in souls in the first place.  

The latter, is growing at an alarming rate, since 2000 it has gone up 12o% and is considered to be the fastest growing disorder in history, in 2014 it was 1 in 68 births-1% of the population is within the spectrum( statistics from Autism Society-CDC). It is common these days to have more that one autistic child in one family. It is real scary to become pregnant these days.

Asperger`s syndrome is a strange one-many scientists fall into this. So are they crazy? Or just more wise, intelligent. more evolved? Some one once said: “there is a fine line between genius and madness”. Very true. One just needs to look at all the major composers for example-most of them had the syndrome.  Many of these people also have major learning disabilities, and ADD and ADHD as children, even as adults. Is this a normal phenomenon? Is this the new human? Or is it the fall of civilization? –I go with the first and second.

This probably was always the case-regarding personality disorders, except today they can be diagnosed, but not autism. However I wonder some of these disorders are perhaps normal?  Certainly autism is rather new. And why? There is one “unaccepted” theory-however I certainly believe it-that there is connection between vaccinations and/or environment-and other drugs within the environment. But-maybe it is –as according to some “channels” they are the new human,-they are very old souls who are activating more of their DNA, and becoming less material-and more connected to the spiritual realm. Becoming more awake and enlightened as some “new age” writers also believe.

As regarding the more serious so called –psychiatric disorders, maybe some psychological  experiences are real-meaning –that perhaps some “schizophrenics”  – do pick up signals from other energy fields, sources. We know much about the brain, yet we know nothing.

The autistic problem is of major concern, as those individuals cannot take care of themselves physically-so I believe, that they are at this point in time, in “limbo”-between two worlds, as we are well into the “new age”. Time, space-are an illusion, and until we can actually accept this with and open mind or with  our “ higher self”, it will be a difficult journey. Until we can become-in all sense total spiritual beings, who we actually are  –there will be serious “growing pains ”for all on the planet.  Autism is just one angle of these cosmic and spiritual changes in creation.

So what do we do about this? Accept, allow and understand-not condemn. Invoke the wisdom of : “Stop, Look, Go”.

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