Sunday 26 February 2017

Old post 2

I suppose this is the type of day it has been, and is still going strong. Would I do things differently if I could, I don`t mean us, I mean my life in general. Yes. I would probably have a dozen kids, do wild things, do all possible things that I would be able to do, visit strange place and stay in South Africa.

I miss it terribly . Johannesburg was the greatest place to grow up in beautiful, exotic and fabulous, you would have loved it then.  We had this house on a cliff called a kopje very rocky. The natives used to party every night drinking" Kaffir beer" that they made as they were prohibited to buy regular alcohol. I bet even then they had better lives than today. They danced, sang, played the "squeeze harmonica" and were very happy, every single one of them I assure you. As we were happy. Today they are just killing each other. 

Our house looked over a Bezuidenhout Valley, it wasn`t even a posh suburb, rather ordinary. But life was good. The house girl taking care of the house, the garden boy, they were our extended family. Life was comfortable we didn`t have to do a thing. We were never rich, but were comfortable, safe and very happy. Once a week we used to go to the "bioscope" the movies at the Apollo or up in Hillbrow at the Curzon or the Clarendon. Great films. When I was younger, we lived in Hillbrow then-it was Saturday matinees with a serial before the main event -and we used to swap comics before the show. Admission was 6 pence. We still had pounds, shillings and pence at the time. You could get a fish and chips for a shilling :-)with vinegar I have to add! Yep, for money to spend at the "tuck shop" in school I used to get a "tickey",that was 3 pennies, sixpence if I was lucky.

We used to go and see my grandfather every week--then the whole family would go to the Sanremo coffee shop, sitting on the verandah, or the Florian or Doney and stay all Saturday evening talking and meeting friends of my parents-they would talk politics and about the "old country".  It was at the Doney that we met Leslie, my husband, I was with my parents. He heard we were talking Hungarian and asked if he could sit down  and the rest is history:-) I was 17 had just  started college that month , I had just returned from Europe two months before .

Yes--then there were my friends in school--Muriel, Elvira and Lynn. Out of school; Alison , she was crazy about Elvis, she had organized a fan club called "Flaming Star Club" after one of his hits. I used to like Cliff Richard, then she used to call me a hypocrite as I said I liked Elvis as well. :-) Then there was little Jewish Alice and Beverly and of course Sandra-all great girls. Everyday in summer we used to go swimming in Ellis Park, we were black as the natives from all the Sun. Or we used to spend all day across the road there was a private school with a corner field. We used to sit and talk there for hours. We called the place "the weeds" as it was full of them. 

Every odd summer we would go to Durban for a week or two, we would stop at Howick Falls--also quite often to the Kruger Park or on Sundays to the Union Buildings in Pretoria or the Voortrekker Monument. Wow you should see Pretoria when the Jacarandas are in bloom, -pure magic. Or go to Hartebeespoort Dam and  have lunch at the tea-room the here with all the monkeys running free in the garden. In Johannesburg we used to spend lots of time at Zoo Lake and The Wilds. Or go down to the Vaal River and have a picnic--or to the Lido and have lunch or visit our friends in Vereeniging, Orlai family. Or go horse back riding on Sundays.

My parents had many friends, lots of card playing, friend over at the house. Dezso  crying into his beer or whatever my dad had. he used to distill his own booze--:-) and no TV of course :-). I had a little portable radio and I had a huge record collection. Yes later came Cliff, Elvis, Beatles, Troggs, Turtles, Rolling Stones and the whole gang of the  "British invasion". Then the parities, school dances and the "dance sessions" every Sunday afternoon at the "505 club", this was for teenagers only! No alcohol, cigarettes or drugs. We didn`t even know what that was. How great was that? And all the fabulous Christmases -with Magdineni and Nagypapa and Daisy their dachshund always with them. The tree went up only on Christmas eve! The fish soup, potato salad and the fried fish. I can still smell it. I loved it! Our beautiful dogs; Danny, was first. Then came Tinike and Lassie. They weren`t dogs but our family. We brought the last two to Canada. Tinike is buried under the huge maple tree in the garden in Montreal!!  Feel like I am ancient, but not quite! :-)

Then after these days, a year or two later came the boys--:-) On birthdays --16, 17, 18--I got a bouquet from a different one. From G-on my 16th I got 16 yellow roses, on 17 from Steve, a huge bouquet of Proteas, 18 a huge   one from Dennis he sent from New York. He had already graduated from Louis Botha Naval Academy and was  an assistant officer, I forget what rank on a ship. It was the merchant marines. Yes Admiral Sir Garth, that was going to have a house on Green Point in Cape Town. His dreams went to ashes also. Steve is in New Zealand, Julius in California, Dennis in Cape Town/Rio de Janeiro and G-Well I wonder where he is? Ah, and Richard from college?And all the girls?

It is different now, everything in life changes as we see! I believe this is the first time ever really admitted to it, but I do. maybe I miss my youth—don`t we all? The fun, the freedom and the wonderful life and childhood I had, but it was great. Every single moment growing up was happy. I was really one that never wanted to grow up. I remember when I was 16--I was at a school dance and the girls in the cloakroom were saying how they wished they were older. I remember the moment of looking into the mirror and seeing my reflection and thinking," I want to stay like this at 16 forever" . How weird is this? I was always happy with myself, the way I looked and the way I felt. 

When I was 13, I got a 5 year diary leather bound diary, with a lock and key,  one Christmas- and I wrote in it every single day can you imagine?  For 5 years! Always happy, good stuff. Sure some sad, but very little. There were no great secrets in it, yet-I was such an idiot as when I got engaged to Leslie at 18,  I burnt it in a bonfire. Why? Because I was stupid! It had a few things about a few boys, but nothing else. Yes, I was a virgin when I got married-well not when I got married, but Leslie was the first man I was ever with. Actually I am sorry about it now, it would have bee great to be with some of the people I loved-well they  weren`t men, they were boys at the time, really only 3 come to mind:-) Yes, such is life.

I wonder if I shall ever see you. I pray you don`t have to leave the US, I hope it never comes to that! Not because of me but because you have your family there--though you say your sister and parents would come back-. But I still wonder; what if you do have to? What would you do back here? You know one never knows what God has up her sleeve-do we? Life is often quite bizarre. At least now you have the boys, they shall grow up probably you being their dad more than Luis, that is different also. But, good.  Would you ever in your wildest dream think this when you were 18 ? :-) Even 28? Or 38? Wow!

 I think time to wrap this up or I shall go on forever. Enough of the crappy nostalgia and I am not even going to read it, it can all stay with mistakes and all. I shall read it one day-maybe.

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