They say what goes around
comes around, so be very careful as to how one conducts one`s life. Old souls
know this from experience, and often what ever comes they do not dramatize the
events-they just know that it is the way of the flow of the “creative force”. So,
just suck it up. All is a circle, really-even science is beginning to see the
light-we live in a multidimensional reality, not a linear one. Once this
reality sinks in, it is much easier to navigate the plan-for one is able to see
the pitfalls or weaknesses of spirit and one can adjust the “sextant”.
The drama of life arises
from the chaos of ego, which is the illusion. There needs be no drama, no
suffering, no pain, no negativity –for
this is consciously “created” and it can equally be “uncreated” and replaced by
whatever one wants to experience. The “poor me complex”-compounds all the
issues, easy to demonstrate. Get up in the morning tell yourself all negative
stuff that will go wrong that day, cry into your coffee, say to yourself how
bad you are feeling-and lo and behold; so it will be. The following day try the
opposite-and see how you feel. No anti depressants
nor alcohol needed I assure you.
It is just as easy to be
negative as to be positive-life goes on anyway, the days, minutes past just as
fast-nothing is permanent, neither does time stand still. Though I have to
interject here, time is strictly manufactured by the mind-it is non-existent.
So-may as well spend the hours happy and filled with light, as opposed to
darkness and angst. See the beauty around, see the miracles of creation, hear
the music of God everywhere in the man made chaos of the world. Find that
peace, find that serene spot, find that divinity with the self-how amazing is
that? Be ever grateful for the experience and or being allowed to witness such
wonder and grace. Every moment is precious , every moment is unique, every
moment is divine.
Start each day with salutation to God, or whomever you imagine your creator to be -and all will go well as it should-all according to plan. Remember- the plan that we ourselves chose eons ago. Treat all of creation with reverence and bless it-for thus you bless yourself.
Start each day with salutation to God, or whomever you imagine your creator to be -and all will go well as it should-all according to plan. Remember- the plan that we ourselves chose eons ago. Treat all of creation with reverence and bless it-for thus you bless yourself.
By planting the seed of
positivity into the mind, one actually stimulates the pineal gland, and magic
happens-in numerous intricate forms, one being production of DMT. Easy to do,
and does not cost anything, just a bit of faith and intention-and things start
going uphill-or rather cascading down, be that health, happiness, joy, love or
wealth. Simply melt into your bliss-and you cannot go wrong.
medicine knows little about the pineal gland`s role, but it has a rich metaphysical history.
Descartes, for example, believed the pineal was the “seat of the soul” and both
Western and Eastern mystical traditions place our highest spiritual center
within its confines. Have you ever wondered why there is a “pine cone” statue
in front of the Vatican?
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