Friday 6 January 2017

Food of love?

Image result for music be the food o flife
I heard my one of my fathers favourite songs the other day-“Piano Man”, by Billy Joel. How did it make me feel? Mixed emotions, wonderful in one way awfully sad in an other.  Often, if something comes up on the radio that brings forth the past, I simply switch it off. It is often hard to listen to the past - in so very many ways. But music is such a perfect medium to crystalize memories. This is most certainly a human trait, as we all have this gift, or is it a curse? Sometimes I do not listen to anything for long months-for the one`s that one has on disc or tape more often than not, are reminders of people, places or events.  I truly cannot recall many pieces that I like, that have nothing tied to them-. 

It is not always the lyrics that have this magical quality, but the actual music-especially when it comes to the great composers, they have the deepest connection to the human psyche. They enrich the soul and allow spirit to soar, seeing beyond all the physicality of life. Through their music , we see and feel eternity-they give us pause to think how magnificent all is . Shakespeare put it rather succinctly in Twelfth Night :

“If music be the food of love, play on,
Give me excess of it; that surfeiting,
The appetite may sicken, and so die.”

 Each piece that one loves, comes with its own special story-be that by the band “Queen” or  “Pachabel”.  One actually gets transported back in time and once more is present within the very conjured up event. We become surrounded by the energy of people or the place of those special moments. It is a blessing to be allowed to visit and experience once more those feelings we had way back in time. 

 Start of a new year often is a good idea to revisit some, not for reasons of self flagellation or masochism, but as a reminder to remember our connection to the past, to love, to life itself-which is in truth a necessity. This has often more to do with people who have crossed our lives, loved ones we have lost. I feel I need to do this, though often it is very painful exercise, but much needed for spirit. 

 Last year has been very bad regarding recording artists, the world has lost a great number. Not that I am a raving fan, but the music of many of them have touched me deeply though the years-especially Leonard Cohen, David Bowie, Prince and George Michael-these are some of the few that left the planet last year.  Sure, they are human, special in certain ways, but each of us is unique that way- as we all bring certain gifts into the world.  Our`s may not be music-but if we examine each life, we each brings and add to the treasure chest of life.  Their gifts are special because it talks directly to the soul. Well, some music is rather aggravating and harmful –so one chooses wisely as to what one listens to and embraces as one`s own to make them a functional part of the tapestry of our life. 

Listen to some-and feed your soul! 

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