Thursday 19 January 2017


It is rather amazing how we are connected to each other-we often do not think about this, but one comes to this realization rather quickly when things go wrong in life. Someone that I love deeply has not been feeling well for the past few months, though I am a doctor, I knew that there is nothing seriously wrong with the person; but one has doubts about one`s ability. I suppose the saying ”Only a fool has himself for a doctor” is very true. We often need an outside view as opposed to an internal, emotional one. We have this fear of inadequacy creeping in-we need serious liberation in some way from this fear, Once we allow fear to grip our heart it slowly erodes and obliterates the light and positivity. This emotion is our true enemy and our most treacherous ardent opponent, with awesome power.

The truth is –that the deeper we are connected, the more we feel what the other person is feeling, a sense of compassion arises from the heart, including fear. Because of this, we feel terrible as we feel helpless-but we are not really, it is all an illusion that fear casts over the picture. We worry and stress ourselves as opposed to being positive, for in reality that is what would generate “positive healing energy”, however that is rather difficult for our human makeup has more of a tendency to be more negative as soon as things starts to go wrong. Thus, we conjure up what we most fear, what we most not need and what we in fact should totally dismiss. There are the exceptions, but sadly I am not one of those people. 

Though I have to confess that I am filled with “worry, fear” mostly about people who are close to me and whom I love- and that does not help any situation- infact it compounds the negativity. I am very rational when it comes to my patients-and see the whole picture, but I fail to see it with my loved ones-and even when the smallest thing happens I worry and I am filled with anxiety  which I know I should not-and totally lose it.

Yesterday, finally the very last test results came back,-everything has come back negative. I knew it would, yet I seriously doubted myself for months now, which would not leave me. Now I feel such relief, like a huge weight is lifted off me. The strange thing-well not strange really, for we all create our own universe-that the person in question as soon as the results were heard, also felt much better immediately. We need to be liberated in some way from these type of feelings for it restricts us in every way.

So what I am trying to say here is that the more we love someone, the more connected we are, the more we are entwined with our loved one has enormous affect on our own well being, and it completely stops our healing power to come forth to help the other person. The secret is that one should not allow the slightest of negativity into once presence, the slightest of doubt, the slightest of fear;  for we have actual power over our health, we have to dispel  the idea that we are victims of our fate, and of fear which is deadly. We have been given free will-the destination is set, true-but the way is ours to choose.

We have to believe that we have the power, we have the light to navigate life. We have the power of God within to be “children of light” and to manifest creation. There are only two motivating forces in creation , as John O`Donohue so profoundly states “love is the only antidote to fear”-Though I do love deeply, however perhaps the lesson for me here is to allow love more trust , choose love even more deeply -let God completely and entirely; emphasis on “completely and entirely”.

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