Saturday 21 January 2017

Depth of fear

Someone just said: "Fear can only penetrate as deeply as the mind can reach", however I strongly disagree-for the mind has no depth, only as much as one allows it to have-which in fact can be fathomless and boundless. Fear, as well as many other negative and positive emotions will arouse the same in the mind-they all are instigators that determine the depth of the mind-not the other way around. Thus-if fear is controlled, the mind is controlled-the danger is when ego take over.

Fear arises simply because we are not living life realistically, we are living more in our minds-it is the manipulation of ego. Our fear is always about what is going to happen next-allowing mind full reign. Whatever we put into the mind so it is. Like a mirror it reflects all, interprets the feelings -but that is all illusion. Life; take me for example-when I was worried and fearful about want will happen with a sick loved one. I had no concrete base, only negative fearful thoughts, but my ego was egging me on, whispering all sorts of lies to me, creating enormous fear. That means our fear is always about that which does not exist. If our fear is about the non-existent, then our fear is completely imaginary.We need to realize that we are suffering the non-existential symptoms of fear. We allow it, we feed it with energy-the mind simply interprets it and tells us its version, and we choose to believe it.

We suffer either what happened yesterday or what may happen tomorrow-but the mind-, the depth of the mind, has nothing to do with the intensity of the fear, for we alone create that. So our suffering is always about that which does not exist, simply because it is not rooted in reality, it is always rooted in our imaginings-which acts upon the command of the higher self, but often ego takes over, that is when trouble arises.  Mind is – one part of it is memory, another part of it is imagination. Both of them are in one way imagination, because both of them do not exist right now. We are lost in our imagination, that is the basis of our fear. If we are rooted in reality, there would be no fear-or at least rational fear and rational thought to deal with it. Do not get me wrong fear does exist, but how we react to it is the problem.

When fear  has the upper hand it puts boundaries around us, restricts us. It is because of fear we build boundaries all the time trying to protect ourselves against fear`s onslaught. If one puts boundaries and restricts the area of one`s life, we may be safe but the problem is we are separated from life, protected from the experiences of life itself-and how to deal with its consequences. One needs to decide whether one has come here to experience life or avoid life.  

If we have come to experience life, one thing that is needed is intensity. If one does not have intensity one will experience a “diminished  life”. The moment we use fear as a tool to protect ourselves, our intensity goes down. Once it goes down, our ability to experience life greatly is diminished . One become a psychological case, living a life driven by anguish, for what happens in our mind is all there will be. One will live an unfulfilled life. We will fail to experience the fantastic, the ecstatic because when we are fearful, we have a sense of abandonment. We cannot sing, we cannot dance, we cannot laugh, we cannot cry, we cannot do anything that is the reality of life. We sit and grieve about life and all the risks of life-and all the illusions it projects onto our minds.

If we look at it carefully, what is fear really about? Our fear is never about what has happened. It is always about what may happen. It is always about the future. The future is yet to happen. It has not yet happened. That means, it is not in existence. So, being fearful means we are suffering that which does not exist. If we suffer that which does not exist, should we call ourselves sane or insane? Our only comfort is “everybody is like me.” We have the majority with us, sadly. But that still does not make it right because we are suffering for something that which does not exist.

Fear is not a product of life. Fear is a product of a hallucinatory projection onto mind-the depth of the mind is determined by the volume of the fear, it creates the depth as well as the volume.  We suffer that which does not exist because we are rooted not in reality but in our mind which is constantly feeding  upon the past and creating stuff for the future. We do not actually know anything about the future-only think we do. You just take a piece of the past, apply make-up on it and think it is future.

One can plan one`s  tomorrow, but one cannot live in one`s tomorrow. But many people are living in “the tomorrow” and that is why there is fear. The only thing we can do about this is, come down to reality. If we just respond to what is there right now and not imagine something that does not exist, there is no room for fear. Once the hallucination is gone, where is fear? We will not imagine something that does not exist, we will respond to what exists right now. Fear hinders us, holds us back and bounds our spirit, we become prisoners of it.

At least let us live before we die because eventually all must die. We are planning to live for many years, but it can happen. There is really no security with life. It is just a question of how gracefully and with how much freedom we lived this life. If we have lived, it will be worth dying. Otherwise life will be a regret, death will be a huge regret.

However  it would be rather a gracious gesture  to have a deeper explanation about the quote from the author of: “Fear can only penetrate as deeply as the mind can reach”. For is rather an incomplete concept for me,  as the mind is a very complex conjurer.

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