Tuesday 31 January 2017


Image result for hour glass in paintings 
Word associations. I was reading something and the word “abundance “ is rather  popular these days. I suppose it is all about the new approach to the 21st Century of positive thinking, co-creating , becoming rich, being master of our own fate and such ideas. Well truth perhaps, but times have changed since even when I was a kid-our outlook is different now as it was in times that we now call “the good old days”. 

So-with the word “abundance “ so much came to my mind- and no, not material wealth, as one would expect but experiences, people and places. It came to my mind that I have, lived in, and  travelled to numerous countries-which I never actually counted up. I did now-and amazed my own self, for it is those times that have formed, molded me to who I am today-the way I look at the world is a prism through which I had seen different cultures, customs and viewpoints. Perhaps that is the reason that I never ever had a racist bone in my body-regarding race, colour, creed or an individual `s status in the world . Travelling and seeing other cultures changes one-and  one gets used to what one may view as strange or different. Nothing is strange-only we are set in our ways-and how we were brought up, and learnt from childhood is our accepted and right way-and that is the problem. 

Off on a tangent a bit, but it is sort of an introduction-of “abundance”. I lived in three countries-each for numerous years-so I carry the spirit of those lands within me . I was born in Hungary-so basically, my soul chose to re-incarnate there, I am sure for reasons that are nor quite clear to me-but I kinda feel, because the land of the Magyars has a very special connection to creation; relating to language as well as coming from the stars,-and most are very old souls who re-incarnate there. But, at this point I am not here to relate the long historical and spiritual stories of the Magyars. So-that was my first-residence; I was conceived out of love on the very banks of the Danube in the city of Budapest. Thus my first breath was the spirit of the Magyars that gave me physical life and form.

When I was a couple of years old-through the work of providence, my parents through no intention of their own, but by accident, or serendipity landed up in South Africa. There I learnt compassion, love and empathy for people who at that time were living and treated differently than I was. As a child I often wondered what it would be like to live, work and be like some of the natives. How did it feel not to have a surname, only always to be known as Trivina, Betty or Matala? How did it feel to live in a tiny room at the back of the house with just an oil stove and candles for light? Yes-I did think about that. I also think about  a time when our “girl”-that what the house maids were called asked my mother: “Madam, do you think there is a god? For I don`t think so for the way my people are treated.”

My parents were always good and kind to our house staff-the “garden boy and the girl”-they were treated with love, respect and like family-and they loved us . Thus-the land of Africa also taught me how awesome our planet is-with its exquisite fauna and flora in the wild-the awesome African sunsets-the red soil, the torrential rains with its spectacular lightning shows, the azure skies-the game reserves and the Vaal River.  The magic  has gone, for the province  Transvaal-that was is no more. It is now know as Gauteng.

Its super modern city of Johannesburg with its numerous, rectangular golden pyramids glittered in the hot African sun. These were the by product of the goldmines-that gave it its unusual characteristic-today they are no more, for they realized that there was tremendous amount of gold still left in them and they worked them over, and in some way, totally discarded the remaining soft sand. The exotic land of South Africa is really my home-as all my informative years were spent there-friends, loves,  school, university, church where I was married and all that I had held dear was abandoned. All was left behind there on the red soil of the Highveld, only the memories went on the next trip, carried within my heart forever-to Canada.

Now-I think I have said enough-as too long is not too good; some things are needed for next time-just a brief prologue of where I have been.

Back to Hungary many times, as well as to SA, Mozambique, Basutoland, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, England, Thailand, Hong Kong, Mexico, Trinidad, Tobago, Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, US and I few more that escape me now-each has its special story and its special education for me and my soul-all lessons to be learnt, which were gifts in disguise.

Yes-I have had much “abundance “ in my life-especially for the wonderful loving family that I have. Especially my mother-who is an earth archangel. My awesome beautiful daughter Laura-her three earth angels; Adriyanna, Klaryssa, Jullia. My brother Oliver, wife Manjula-and my beautiful niece Scartett.  My sister Dolores-with her daughter Olivia and Tiffany with husband Adam in Chicago and their handsome grandson-Theo. My awesome, special, loving earth angel cousin –Tommy in Budapest with his family. And my soul sister, my anam cara from grade school, -dearest friend Muriel.

All my beautiful family-who are heavenly angels now-my fathers-both, Magdi Neni , Nagypapa, Nagymami, uncles, aunt, husband,- friends-Margit Neni, Aunty May, Melba, Anne, Shirley, Giovanni, Dezso.   

Not to forget our past and  present family of fur kids-Alice, Chloe, Fonzie-fur cousins at Oliver-Stripy and CoCo. We are filled with tremendous abundance-of grace, love, light and blessings-which money shall and can never by.

Now I do realize that the previous paragraphs are rather a boring, personal, unimportant tale to all, probably even skipped being read-but for me it is important to recall-for if not remembered then it is dead; all that is remembered is living and will live on. So, please forgive me all the personal details and  names.

Blessings of Love and  Light-and wishing you all much sand in the top part of your hour-glass still!

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